To what extent was Mary I's reign a success?


A-Level History Mind Map on To what extent was Mary I's reign a success?, created by 199627 on 05/11/2014.
Mind Map by 199627, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 199627 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

To what extent was Mary I's reign a success?
  1. Introduction
    1. Define success
      1. Based on economy, foreign policy, religion, heir, marriage, popularity
      2. Historians views
        1. Most see it as a failure
      3. Economy
        1. Improved collection of custom taxes
          1. Eg Book of Rates
          2. Spent a lot of money on war
            1. Reign was plagued with bad harvest and famine
              1. Eg September 1555 was a bad harvest
                1. Eg in September 1556, was worst harvest of the century
                  1. Eg in July 1557 there was widespread death and sickness
                    1. Eg in September 1558, there was death and an influenza epidemic
                  2. Marriage
                    1. Heir
                      1. Failed to provide an heir
                        1. An heir would have secured Catholcism
                          1. Would have provided stability with relations with Netherlands and Spain
                            1. Would have secured cloth trade, which would have benefitted economy
                          2. Brought England into war
                            1. Philip wasn't allowed to put people on the Privy Council for fear of Spanish takeover
                              1. Philip was disliked by the people, the government and the Privy Council
                                1. Eg Wyatt's rebellion of 1554
                                2. Mary seen as a weak ruler because she ignored the Privy Council to follow her husband
                                3. Popularity with people
                                  1. Gender
                                    1. Although her Privy Council respected her opinions as a queen, they often disagreed with them and blamed them on her gender
                                      1. Eg entering the Hapsburg-Valois conflict
                                    2. Wyatt's rebellion in 1554 was in opposition to the Spanish marriage and Mary's religious policies and aimed to depose Mary
                                      1. General lack of support for marriage from the people
                                        1. Anti-Catholic pamphlets circulated during the end of her reign
                                          1. Lack of support for Protestant burnings at end of reign
                                            1. Eg in summer of 1557, officials reluctant to be on duty at burnings
                                          2. Foreign policy
                                            1. Drawn into Hapsburg-Valois conflict
                                              1. Foreign policy decisions not backed by Privy Council
                                                1. Mary's agreement on war was to appease Philip --> shows she was a weak queen
                                                  1. Revival of army and navy was beneficial to the state
                                                    1. The war was only successful for Spain which gained St Quentin but England lost Calais
                                                    2. Religion
                                                      1. Did return to religion pre-1529
                                                        1. But failed to fully restore papal supremacy
                                                          1. Never fully returned monesteries
                                                            1. Failure to produce and heir and short reign meant Catholicism was never secured
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