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The Trials of Jesus
RE Mind Map on The Trials of Jesus, created by Apoorva Sriram on 05/11/2014.
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Mind Map by
Apoorva Sriram
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Apoorva Sriram
almost 11 years ago
Resource summary
The Trials of Jesus
The Jewish council
A body of people including Chief Priests, Sadducees, Scribes, and Pharisees - a combination of the powerful in Israel
First they ask Jesus if he is the Christ
This is a tricky question, and Jesus' answer reflects this
If he had answered "yes" he would've been accused of blasphemy
If he had answered "no" he would've been seen as an impostor
He says that from now on the Son of Man will be seated at the right hand of the mighty God
The council interpret "Son of Man" in the Messianic sense
Next they ask if Jesus is the Son of God
Jesus respond with "You are right in saying that I am"
The council interprets this as blasphemy
However they needed the authority of Pilate before putting Jesus to death
Pilate was the Roman Governor
Pilate didn't care about blasphemy so they subverted the charges
They told him Jesus was encouraging revolts, and opposing the paying of taxes to Caesar
They accused Jesus of being the Christ in the sense of being a King.
In that he wanted a King's power
Christ=anointed one
These were charges they hoped Pilate would take seriously
Pilate asked Jesus "are you King of the Jews?"
This was a serious charge because if Jesus answered yes he would be accused of treason
Pilate saw no crime but the Sanhedrin persisted
they also mentioned Jesus was from Galilee
When Pilate heard this he sent Jesus to Herod, King of Galilee
Probably proud to be rid of this case
Herod asked Jesus if he was a King.
Jesus remained silent
Herod demanded Jesus perform a miracle
Jesus remained silent
Herod mocked Jesus and dressed him up like a King before sending him back to Pilate
This reflects Isiah 53 where it was predicted that the Suffering Servant would be silent
He still didn't see Jesus as guilty, he planned to have him flogged then released
However when he asked the crowd they yelled for Barabbas to be released
Barabbas had been convicted of killing a Roman soldier and trying to start an uprising in the city
Pilate still wanted to let Jesus go but he gave into the crowd
a week ago Jesus had rode into Jerusalem like a King, now the crowds hated him
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