Christians:Sex Outside Marriage


R.S. (Marriage & The Family) Mind Map on Christians:Sex Outside Marriage, created by KittyG-S on 05/11/2014.
Mind Map by KittyG-S, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by KittyG-S almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Christians:Sex Outside Marriage
  1. Adultery (sex outside of marriage, i.e not with a marriage partner) is wrong and goes against marriage vows and promises to God as well as against the Decalogue: "do not commit adultery".
    1. ADULTERY: having sex with someone other than your marriage partner
    2. Promiscuity is wrong, it reduces a loving act to animal behaviour and can discourage faithfulness and destroy dignity
      1. PROMISCUITY: having sex with a number of different partners with no commitment
        1. FAITHFULNESS: staying with your marriage partner and having sex only with them
        2. Sex is intended for procreation, and families should be raised within a marriage, it is the best environment
          1. PROCREATION: making a new life
          2. CATHOLICS: sex belongs inside of marriage
            1. EVANGELICAL PROTESTANTS: pre-marital sex is wrong, sex belongs inside marriage
              1. CofE: accepts there are different family relationships nowadays but believe marriage is the best place for sex
                1. Marriage is God's gift to us
                  1. The Bible teaches pre-marital sex is wrong
                    1. Sex outside of marriage can hurt people
                      1. HOWEVER
                        1. You wouldn't buy a pair of shoes without trying them on first
                          1. Jesus' message was that love mattered most
                            1. People may want to have sex and start a family but can't afford a marriage
                              1. Liberal Protestants accept pre-marital sex if those involved are in love
                                1. In today's society, families can be made up of single parents or unmarried couples, but as long as there is love and compassion between its members, it is a good family
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