Child Development 3


Mind Map on Child Development 3, created by lauren.mcwilliam on 05/13/2014.
Mind Map by lauren.mcwilliam, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by lauren.mcwilliam almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Child Development
  1. Information Processing Theory (IPT)
    1. Key Ideas:
      1. Influenced by input from environment
        1. Working memory and long-term memory
          1. Attention is essential
            1. People control how they process information
              1. Cognitive development involves gradual changes in various components of the IP system
              2. Sensation and perception
                1. Infants prefer social stimuli
                2. Attention
                  1. Development due to maturation
                  2. Thinking and reasoning
                    1. Logical thinking abilities improve with age
                    2. Working memory
                    3. Vygotsky
                      1. Scaffolding
                        1. Providing support
                        2. Participate in adults activities
                          1. Key Ideas:
                            1. Adults show children culture
                              1. Physical and cognitive tools
                                1. Thought and language combine after first few years
                                  1. Internalisation
                                    1. Challenging tasks promote maximum cognitive growth
                                      1. Zone of Proximal Development
                                      2. Importance of play
                                      3. His perspective is known as sociocultural theory
                                      4. Piaget
                                        1. Key Ideas:
                                          1. Children are active and motivated learners
                                            1. They organise what they learn from experience
                                              1. Schemes
                                              2. Assimilation
                                                1. Responding to a new event in a way that is consistent with an existing scheme
                                                2. Accommodation
                                                  1. Responding to a new event by changing a scheme or making a new one
                                                  2. Equilibration promotes increasingly complex forms of thought
                                                    1. Interaction with others is critical
                                                    2. Stages of Cognitive development
                                                      1. Sensorimotor (birth)
                                                        1. Preoperational (about 2)
                                                          1. Concrete Operations (about 6 or 7)
                                                            1. Formal Operations (about 11 or 12)
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