Détente failed in 70s due to Helsinki Accords


A-Levels Cold War Mind Map on Détente failed in 70s due to Helsinki Accords, created by Tom Lea on 05/13/2014.
Tom Lea
Mind Map by Tom Lea, updated more than 1 year ago
Tom Lea
Created by Tom Lea almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Détente failed in 70s due to Helsinki Accords
  1. Agree


    • Agreed borders for Eastern Bloc established trade of technology through Iron curtain European States (Russia) had to respect human rights
    1. Human Rights clause seen as a dig at Russia.
      1. People not happy - angry about disparity between East and West?
        1. Reduces support for regime - makes people question their policies?
        2. Disagree
          1. Invasion of Afghanistan
            1. Protests in US about invasion
              1. SALT 2 not ratified despite being previously agreed
              2. Neither side really committed
                1. Non ratification of SALT 2
                  1. SALT 1 only a temp agreement
                    1. USA critical - Russia not honouring Human rights agreements
                      1. US still openly aggressive to communist states e.g. Vietnam
                      2. Uncertainty over Brezhnev's health
                        1. Numerous heart attacks
                          1. Difficult to maintain discussions
                            1. Lack of clarity about succession - don't know if Détente will be continued
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