Black Power


Mind Map on Black Power, created by rh119616 on 05/14/2014.
Mind Map by rh119616, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by rh119616 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Black Power
  1. Basics
    1. SNCC, CORE & BPP
      1. Emergence
        1. Malcolm X
          1. Black nationalism & self-defence
          2. Ghetto problems
            1. Cycle of poverty
              1. Education-32% of pupils finished HS
                1. Unemployment-46% of unemployed Americans=black
                  1. Youth unemployment
                    1. 50-70% in Chicago
                    2. Violence & heavy policing
                      1. Riots in summers 1964-8
                    3. Groups
                      1. SNCC
                        1. 1966 Stokely Carmichael
                          1. 1966 whites expelled
                            1. 1968 emerge with BPP at rally
                            2. CORE
                              1. 1965 Floyd McKissick
                                1. 1966 endorse black power & violence
                                  1. 1968 whites expelled
                            3. Black Panthers
                              1. October 1966-1977
                                1. Huey Newton & Bobby Seale
                                  1. 'exists in the spirit of Malcolm'
                                    1. to organise working class
                                    2. Ten-Point Programme
                                      1. Aims of BPP necessary for black liberation
                                        1. economic needs, end to exploitation, release of prisoners
                                      2. Methods
                                        1. 'Patrol the Pigs'
                                          1. Oakland, California
                                            1. Protection from police abuse
                                              1. Media support after attempted ban
                                                1. BPP=national by end of 1967
                                                  1. 35 groups in 15 states
                                                2. Survival programmes
                                                  1. Free breakfast for School Children
                                                    1. Expanded from 1 church to 10,000 kids a day in 1969
                                                    2. Funded by businesses & celebs
                                                      1. Free health clinics
                                                        1. Offered tests for sickle cell anaemia
                                                          1. Emergency medical care & contraception
                                                            1. 1974, 200 free clinics treating over 200,000 a year
                                                            2. Liberation schools
                                                              1. Staffed by volunteers
                                                                1. Started teaching adults black history
                                                                  1. Increased to academic support for kids & youth
                                                            3. Decline
                                                              1. FBI
                                                                1. Leadership
                                                                  1. Eldrige Cleaver
                                                              2. Decline
                                                                1. Definition & organisation
                                                                  1. Divisions within & between groups
                                                                  2. Unrealistic aims
                                                                    1. BPP violence caused opposition
                                                                      1. Separate black nation within USA
                                                                      2. Sexism
                                                                        1. Male advocates=sexist
                                                                          1. Women focused on growing feminism instead
                                                                        2. Finance & group collapse
                                                                          1. White liberals had funded CRM
                                                                            1. SNCC collapsed 1973 due to lack of funding
                                                                            2. Government opposition
                                                                              1. Nixon pursued BP leaders
                                                                            3. Achievements
                                                                              1. Political/economic
                                                                                1. Northern blacks organised
                                                                                  1. BP initiatives helped 10,000s of people
                                                                                    1. 1972 National SCA Control Act
                                                                                    2. Freedom cities
                                                                                      1. 1966 Free D.C movement
                                                                                        1. Gained $3 million gov. funding
                                                                                        2. NY, took control of a school
                                                                                          1. Mississippi
                                                                                            1. lasted 1965-7 despite opp.
                                                                                              1. Child Development Group of Mississippi
                                                                                                1. raised $1.5 mil. for Head Start
                                                                                          2. Black Identity
                                                                                            1. SC & HN emphasised black history
                                                                                              1. self-esteem & pride
                                                                                                1. Recognise heritage & part in global struggle
                                                                                                  1. Connect with past
                                                                                                  2. Changes
                                                                                                    1. Rejected names
                                                                                                      1. Afro hairstyle
                                                                                                        1. Rejected 'negro' & 'coloured'
                                                                                                      2. Culture
                                                                                                        1. Black music
                                                                                                          1. Incorporated, featured on covers
                                                                                                            1. Miles Davis started all-black band
                                                                                                            2. Media portrayal
                                                                                                              1. Eartha Kitt as Catwoman
                                                                                                                1. Nichelle Nichols as Lieutenant Uhura
                                                                                                                  1. Athletes
                                                                                                                    1. Tommie Smith & John Carlos give BP salute at 1968 Olympics
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