3. Why the Germans disliked the Treaty of Versailles


GCSE GERMANY 1918-1945 (1. Weimar Germany) Mind Map on 3. Why the Germans disliked the Treaty of Versailles, created by 10dcrone on 05/14/2014.
Mind Map by 10dcrone, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 10dcrone over 10 years ago

Resource summary

3. Why the Germans disliked the Treaty of Versailles
  1. Diktat (dictated peace)
    1. Germany was forced to sign the treaty
      1. Not involved in any discussion of the Treaty
        1. Given 3 weeks to protest and only small things were changed due to the protests
        2. Loss of Land
          1. Lost 72,500 km squared of its land. Lost over 6-7 million people (over 10% of population)
            1. 'Polish Corridor' separating Germany from East Prussia (its province)
              1. Distribution of its colonies to other countries was seen as unfair by the Germans
                1. GB took most colonies but many German colonies also went to France and Belgium
              2. Military restrictions
                1. Germany was restricted to an army of 100,000 men.
                  1. They claimed that this was not enough to keep order in Germany and too small to defend itself
                2. War guilt
                  1. Forced to accept blame for the cause of WW1
                    1. Gave allies a reason for demanding payment of reparations
                    2. Germans felt blamed for what the Kaiser had done
                      1. New democratic government had been set up
                        1. New government was humiliated and called the 'November Criminals' by angry Germans
                      2. Reparations
                        1. 6.6 million pounds = far too much for Germany to pay.
                          1. France wanted to ruin Germany's economy so it couldn't attack again.
                            1. Trade in Europe was essential for Germany's economic recovery
                              1. The longer the reparations went on, the longer it would take to get for trade to recover
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