Uses of Limestone


Mind Map on Uses of Limestone, created by kajip30 on 05/15/2014.
Mind Map by kajip30, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by kajip30 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Uses of Limestone
  1. Limestone
    1. Widely available
      1. Building material
        1. High compressive strength
          1. Carved into intricate designs
            1. Cathedrals, Colleges
            2. Its powdered form is used to control acidity in soil.
            3. Cement
              1. Mixing limestone with clay
                1. Mixture heated strongly in kiln
                  1. Gypsum (calcium sulphate) is added to control the setting time.
              2. Mortar
                1. Made from cement mixed with sand and water
                  1. The amount of sand is critical.
                    1. Too little and mortar shrinks as it dries and too much the mortar is weak.
                  2. Used to fix the bricks together when building houses
                  3. Concrete
                    1. Cement mixed with sand, crushed rock and water.
                      1. Can be made even stronger by pouring around steel rods - Reinforced Concrete
                        1. Widely used in the building industry as it is cheap and easily moulded.
                          1. Ugly
                          2. Glass
                            1. Powdered limestone is mixed with sand and sodium carbonate
                              1. Heated strongly
                              2. Glass is both weatherproof and transparent.
                                1. The high temperatures required make it expensive in terms of energy.
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