Russia 1914-1924


Mind Map on Russia 1914-1924, created by nickyhchan on 05/15/2014.
Mind Map by nickyhchan, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by nickyhchan almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Russia 1914-1924
  1. 1914-Feb 1917 Tsar Nicholas
    1. Impact of WW1
      1. On the soldiers
        1. On the people at home
          1. On the Tsars
          2. February revolution
            1. Long term causes
              1. Short term causes
                1. Events- Feb 1917
              2. The Provisional Government
                1. Period of Dual rule
                  1. Ongoing problems
                    1. April 1917
                      1. June 1917
                        1. July 1917
                          1. September 1917
                          2. Lenin and the Bolsheviks
                            1. October revolution
                              1. The Civil War
                                1. Strengths of Reds
                                  1. War Communism
                                    1. The NEP
                                      1. Weaknesses of whites
                                      2. Struggle for power after Lenin
                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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