wound management: dressings


University Essential Vet Nursing Skills Mind Map on wound management: dressings, created by joanna_stopher on 05/16/2014.
Mind Map by joanna_stopher, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by joanna_stopher over 10 years ago

Resource summary

wound management: dressings
  1. choose appropriate dressing for stage
    1. necrotic dirty = dry dressing
      1. sloughy/lots of exudate = absorbant dressing
        1. granulation: starts to dry out and crust over - moist dressing
          1. epithelisation
          2. dressings for hydration and absorption
            1. antimicrobial on gooey/sloughy wounds
              1. sliver
                1. alginate can promote granulation over bone
                2. autolytic debridement
                  1. manuka honey helps to remove debris due to osmotic effect of sugar
                    1. antimicrobial
                    2. change daily, wash each time
                      1. leave longer when granulation tissue present
                        1. use saline wash
                          1. apply hydrating dressing
                          2. when granulation bed forms stop debridement
                            1. keep moist environment
                            2. role
                              1. is wound still inflamed?
                                1. dressing should: remove debris and necrotic tissue, absorb exudate and control infection
                                2. is it granulating?
                                  1. dressing should: not disturb granulation tissue - non-adherent, moist environment
                                  2. is there chronic granulation tissue?
                                    1. dressing will need to debride or re-stimulate activity
                                    2. type of dressing needs to change as wound changes
                                      1. is the wound static?
                                        1. whats delaying it? - biopsy needed
                                      2. types
                                        1. calcium alginate
                                          1. felt pad of seaweed fibre
                                          2. hydrocolloid
                                            1. occlusive non-adherent dressing of hydrocolloid with plastic backing
                                            2. non-adherent semi-occlusive sponge
                                              1. absorbs exudate and excess fluid keeping wound hydrated
                                              2. wet to dry
                                                1. soak up exudate and adhere to nectrotic tissue
                                                2. dry to wet
                                                  1. soak up exudate and adhere to nectrotic tissue
                                                  2. non-adherent semi-occlusive pad
                                                    1. retains moisture and allows exudate to pass through
                                                  3. layers
                                                    1. 1st = non-adherent
                                                      1. 2nd = absorbant
                                                        1. 3rd = protective
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