Why did Mussolini launch the Battle for Grain


Degree MUSSOLINI Mind Map on Why did Mussolini launch the Battle for Grain, created by beckys99 on 05/16/2014.
Mind Map by beckys99, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by beckys99 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Why did Mussolini launch the Battle for Grain
  1. Autarky: The need for self suffiency was prominent in the early 1920's on the grounds that Mussolini had future prospects of going to war upon which the need for self- sufficiency enhanced, The policy of 'Autarchia' meant that Ital would no longer be dependant upon 'Foreign bread'.
    1. Economy: In the most basic terms, the Battle for Grain aimed at enhancing the economy that was left weak following the ''mutilated victory'' of WW1 in 1917. Primarily, it aimed to support farmers, and create more employment opportunities.
      1. Propaganda: Much like the idea of Autarky, Mussolini primarily aimed at establishing Italy on the world stage in an efficient manner. The battle for Grain would liberate italy's weakness of imports whilst simultaneously reduce the deficit in balance of payments = pro- fascist propaganda.
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