How diseases are spread and caused


Mind Map on How diseases are spread and caused, created by Chameleon on 14/05/2013.
Mind Map by Chameleon, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Chameleon almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

How diseases are spread and caused
  1. Touch
    1. By touching an infected person
      1. Eg, MRSA, spread by contact or dirty sheets
        1. In contact with an object an infected person has touched
        2. Water
          1. in overcrowded conditions
            1. Sewage in drinking water
              1. eg. Cholera
              2. Food
                1. Bacteria in Food
                  1. Cooking food helps kill bacteria
                    1. Eg. Food Poisoning
                    2. Animals
                      1. Some animals carry microbes
                        1. eg. Mosquitos carry yellow fever and malaria
                        2. Sex
                          1. Passed on through unprotected sex
                            1. eg. Syphilis
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