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OCR Gateway GCSE - Biology B1
Mind Map on OCR Gateway GCSE - Biology B1, created by joshua6729 on 05/17/2014.
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OCR Gateway GCSE - Biology B1
Diet and excercise
Blood pressure can be measured two ways: Systolic and Diastolic in mmHg
Smoking can being overweight can affect your blood pressure making it higher
High blood pressure can lead to strokes and can damage the kidneys
Fitness is your ability to do physical activities compared to health which is how free of diseases you are etc...
Your EAR is used to calculate how much protein you need
BMI used to determine whether you are under, over or average weight
Drugs and disease
Immunisation protects against certain diseases by using harmless dead pathogens
How much a drug can harm you goes in up class (C-A)
Depressants and stimulants affect the transmissions crossing synapses.
Mosquitos are a vector that carry malaria
Plasmodium is the pathogen that causes Malaria
Homeostatis and plant hormones
Homeostatis is maintaining a constant internal environment
Vasolidation (widening) and vasoconstriction (tightnening) regulate the temperature of the body
Plant hormones can be very useful in commercial uses e.g selective weedkiller
Auxins are involved in Phototropism and geotropism
Insulin controls levels of sugar within the body. It converts excess blood sugar into glucose.
The nervous system
Light rays are refracted as they pass through the cornea and lens
The eye shape accommodates by altering the shape of the lens
Long sightedness and short sightedness are caused by the eyeball or lens being the wrong shape
Monocular vision has less depth perception but a greater FOV
Nerve impulses travel along the axon of a neurone
A neurotransmitter substance differs across a synapse, so the nerve impulse can pass to the next neurone
A spinal reflex involves a receptor, sensory relay and motor neurons and an effector.
Variation and inheritance
Alleles are different versions of the same gene
Sex is determined by the chromosomes either XX or XY
Human body cells have 23 pairs of chromosomes
Inherited disorders are caused by faulty alleles
Dominant alleles are expressed if present, recessive alleles are expressed in the absence of a dominant allele.
Most faulty alleles are recessive
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