science -heating & cooling


year 8 science Mind Map on science -heating & cooling, created by nicki8642 on 05/17/2014.
Mind Map by nicki8642, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by nicki8642 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

science -heating & cooling
  1. CONDUCTION= metals are good conductors because the particles are close together so its easier for the heat to travel and pass on whilst the particles are vibarting and touching each other.
    1. Thermal energy can be transferred by : conduction, radiation and convection
      1. Substances that do not allow thermal energy through easily are called insulators
        1. CONVECTION= happens when particles (in liquids or gases) move and take the place of particles with less thermal energy. Thermal energy is transferred from hot places TO cold places by convection.
          1. Conduction and convection need moving particles to transfer thermal energy but radiation does not.
            1. All objects transfer thermal energy by infrared radiation.
              1. RADIATION= the hotter , the more infrared radiation it gives off. No particles are involved with radiation. Radiation is the way we can FEEL the heat from the sun.
                1. Heat and temperature are different although they r both
                  1. HEAT is measured in joules (J) and the heat of an object contains the amount of its thermal energy
                    1. TEMPERATURE is measured in degrees celcius. The temperature of an object is to do with how hot or cold it is.
                      1. ENERGY is very important. There are all sorts of types of energy.
                        1. In a sparkler there is a very high temperature but not much thermal energy.
                          1. In a bath there's a lot of thermal energy but low temperature
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