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How Gustav Stresemann solved Weimar Germanys problems
GCSE History Germany Mind Map on How Gustav Stresemann solved Weimar Germanys problems, created by roxy123 on 05/18/2014.
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Resource summary
How Gustav Stresemann solved Weimar Germanys problems
Introduce a new currency
Stresemenn had to act quickly to deal with the Hyperinflation
The old currency was replaced with a new one called the Rentenmark
One Rentenmark replaced 1000 billion marks
Old notes were recalled and burned
Positive Results
The currency was quickly accepted by the German people
Inflation was brought under control
Negative Results
The German people never forgot hyperinflation
People who had lost their savings were not compensated
They felt cheated and blamed the Weimar republic
Persuade the French to leave the Ruhr
Stresemann called off passive resistance, as it had not caused the French to leave and it had caused serious economic problems
He promised to keep up reparation payments to France
Positive Results
The French left the Ruhr
Negative Results
It was a very unpopular policy in Germany
There was a lot of opposition to it
Especially from right-wing extremists
They claimed it was a sign of weak government
Improve Germany's relationship with other countries
He decided to co-operate with other countries in Europe
He accepted that Germany could not regain the land lost in the TOV
He hoped in doing so the allies would change the terms of the treaty
Positive Results
In 1925 he signed the Locarno Pact
This was a series of treaties with Britain, France, Belgium and Italy where they promised not to invade each other
In 1926 Germany joined the League of Nations
It was given great power and status which meant it could have a say in major decisions that had to be made
In 1926 Stresemann was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize
Negative Results
Some people thought Stresemann was weak
By saying that Germany could not regain the lost land he had "given in" to France
Some army generals believed he should have built up the army instead
Then they could've tried too regain the lost land by force
Continue to pay reparations
Stresemann realised he could not force the allies to change the Treaty
So he promised to pay the reparations
He hoped the allies would change the payments in the future
Positive Results
The Dawes Plan, 1924
Reorganised the way the Germans had to pay reparations
Germany was given a longer period to pay the Allies
The young plan, 1929
Lowered the amount had to be paid in reparations
It went from 132,000 million marks to 37,000 million
Negative Results
The Dawes Plan did not reduce the amount of money Germany had to pay
Opponents to the Weimar Republic called it a second Versailles
The Young Plan was also hated by many Germans
They still believed that Germany shouldn't have to pay reparations at all
Under the Young Plan Germany would be paying reparations until 1988
Get help to rebuild the economy
Stresemann organised big loans for Germany from the USA. (This was part of the Dawes Plan)
Positive Results
The German government used the money to improve housing, hospitals, schools and roads
Loans were also given to private German firms
In addition many Us firms set up factories in Germany
Pensions and wages rose (for some)
Negative Results
The German economy was now dependant on the US
Stresemann himself admitted Germany was "dancing on a volcano"
Wages didn't rise for everyone
By 1929 farmers didn't earn half the average wage
They became angry and started to support extremist groups such as the Nazis
Unemployment fell below 1 million.
From 1928 this rose higher
Rich people had to pay higher taxes
They complained that too much money was being spent on the poor and unemployed
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