Conservative consensus
theory stating that
everything in society
works for its benefit and
perpetuation, education
Durkheim: Ed. has
two functions
1: Promote soc.
solidarity by teaching
norms and values,
otherwise soc. would
2: Prepares young for
the real world and
work by teaching skills
applicable to modern
Parsons: 'Focal Socialising
Agency' Ed. has soc and
economic funs.
2NDRY SOC: During prim soc all treated
special, in school all treated the same so
society can survive. (e.g all equal in eyes
of law) A bridge btwn soc and family.
MERITOCRACY: Preps for real world
just like soc it provides = opp for all,
based on indiv achievement.
MINI SOC: Also preps for real life by
acting as a mini form of real soc, but in
a smaller setting (e.d both mrtocrys)
Davis & Moore:
Role Allocation
Main func is to shift and sort people into
their proper future work roles. Stratification
This works due to meritocratic nature of ed.
Means that everyone has = choice.
The more intelligent/hardworking get to the
better jobs through own skill
means right people get into right
jobs and so society survivess
Human Capital theory
Similar to D&M
States meritocracy is best
way to develop skilled
workforce and so give better
economic eff. and higher
living standards.