Functionalist role of education


A Levels Sociology AQA Mind Map on Functionalist role of education, created by GDubz on 05/19/2014.
Mind Map by GDubz, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by GDubz over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Functionalist role of education
  1. Conservative consensus theory stating that everything in society works for its benefit and perpetuation, education included.
    1. Theories
      1. Durkheim: Ed. has two functions
        1. 1: Promote soc. solidarity by teaching norms and values, otherwise soc. would collapse
          1. 2: Prepares young for the real world and work by teaching skills applicable to modern society.
          2. Parsons: 'Focal Socialising Agency' Ed. has soc and economic funs.
            1. 2NDRY SOC: During prim soc all treated special, in school all treated the same so society can survive. (e.g all equal in eyes of law) A bridge btwn soc and family.
              1. MERITOCRACY: Preps for real world just like soc it provides = opp for all, based on indiv achievement.
                1. MINI SOC: Also preps for real life by acting as a mini form of real soc, but in a smaller setting (e.d both mrtocrys)
                2. Davis & Moore: Role Allocation
                  1. Main func is to shift and sort people into their proper future work roles. Stratification
                    1. This works due to meritocratic nature of ed. Means that everyone has = choice.
                      1. The more intelligent/hardworking get to the better jobs through own skill
                        1. means right people get into right jobs and so society survivess
                        2. Human Capital theory
                          1. Similar to D&M
                            1. States meritocracy is best way to develop skilled workforce and so give better economic eff. and higher living standards.
                          2. Evaluation.
                            1. Enter text here
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