History Germany: Jewish Groups


(History) Mind Map on History Germany: Jewish Groups, created by rubymelia on 05/20/2014.
Mind Map by rubymelia, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by rubymelia over 10 years ago

Resource summary

History Germany: Jewish Groups
  1. Representation by Germans
    1. the jewish race was inferior to the Negro race
      1. All Jews had crooked legs, fat bellies, curly hair and looked untrustworthy
        1. They were responsible for WW1
          1. They were to blame for the treaty of versailles
            1. They caused the inflation of 1923
              1. All Jews were communists
              2. Attacks of the Jews
                1. 1933: Hitler orded the SA to turn customers away from Jewish shops. Wrote "Jude" on shop windows
                  1. 1937: Arayanisism of Jewish businesses increased. More and more Jewish businesses were confiscated
                    1. 1933: Hitler orded the sacking of any in governement jobs that weren't from Aryan descent
                      1. Jewish teachers were sacked from schools, Jewish actors and musicians were forbidden to perform in public.
                        1. May 1935: Jews forbidden to join the army
                          1. 1936: Jews banned from professional jobs (vets, doctors, lawyers)
                          2. Nuremburg Laws
                            1. 1935: Nuremburg Laws passed, denied Jews of the basic right of German Citizenship
                              1. Jews lost the right to vote
                                1. The Reich Citizen Law: made Jews "subjects" rather than citizens
                                  1. Law for the Protection of German Blood and honour: banned marriages between Jews and Aryans and forbade any sexual relationships outside marriage
                                  2. Kristallnacht (Night of the Broken Glass)
                                    1. Cause: Ernst Von Rath murdered in 1938 by a Polish Jew
                                      1. Goebbels used this as an excuse to campaign against the Jews, Hitler agreed
                                        1. 9-10 November 1938 thousands of Jewish shops and windows were smashed, 815 shops detroyed, 191 synagogues set on fire, 76 synagogues demolished
                                          1. 91 Jews killed and 20,000 arrested
                                            1. Goerring required that the Jewish community met the cost of damages to their property themselves
                                              1. 12th November 1938; Jewish community fined 1 billion Reichmarks
                                              2. The Final Solution
                                                1. Nazi's gathered all Jews into ghetto's, walls were built to keep them in, Largest ghetto was in Warsaw. Germans allowed starvation rations, many died from hunger, intense cold or the disease Typhus. About 55,000 died in the Warsaw Ghetto
                                                  1. June 1941: Nazi's invaded Russia, special murder squads called Einstatzgruppen rounded up and killed Jews. By 1943 it was estimated that the Einstatzgruppen has murdered 2 million Russians, mainly Jews
                                                    1. Summer 1941: decided to exterminate Jews in death camps. January 1942 Nazis met at Wannsee. Death camps built in Poland, Jews worked to death. First camp started on 17th March 1942 at Belzec. Summer 1943 Jews from across Europe were transported to camps
                                                      1. When Jews arrived at death camps, they were divided into groups, those fit enough were put to work, others sent to the gas chambers. They were worked to death. Older women, mothers with small children, pregnant women were usually led away for execution. Young boys would lie about age pr skills do they weren't executed
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