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Causes of Magna Carta
BA Hons Medieval History (What led John to sign the Magna Carta in 1215) Mind Map on Causes of Magna Carta, created by marialidd on 05/20/2014.
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medieval history
what led john to sign the magna carta in 1215
ba hons
Mind Map by
, updated more than 1 year ago
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over 10 years ago
Resource summary
Causes of Magna Carta
Finance and Taxes
John placed huge financial demands on Barons to pay for his failed attempt at recapturing Normandy
Most of the Barons involved in Northern Rebellion were deeply in debt to the Jews or the King
Taxes included scutage, reliefs (inheritance tax), minors (rights over wards) and property of widows.
John also sold offices and exploited royal justice by exacting huge fines
The Continent
The barons lost confidence in their king after his defeat at Bouvines in 1214
The barons had financed Johns campaigns through extortionate taxes
John's Personality
He took the barons and their son's hostage for surety of good behaviour
William de Braose was driven into exile and his wife and eldest son starved to death
Accused of seducing Barons wives
Selfish Aims of the Barons
The barons wanted to gain more power and rights
Many were in huge debt to the king and saw a rebellion as the way out
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