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Main Phases of educational policy in Britain.
Mind Map on Main Phases of educational policy in Britain., created by gloreearhbby on 05/21/2014.
Mind Map by
, updated more than 1 year ago
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over 10 years ago
Resource summary
Main Phases of educational policy in Britain.
1944: Butler Education Act.
Introduced Grammar, Secondary Modern and Technical schools
Grammar: Academic curriculum, access to non-manual work. Mainly m/c pupils
Modern: Non-academic curriculum, access to manual-work, pupils who failed the 11+ & mainly w/c.
Failed to promote meritocracy - reproduced class inequality.
puts 2 social class into 2 different schools, offering unequal school opportunities.
Increased school leaving age,
Legitimated (via ideology) that ability is inborn rather its the environment and upbringing.
1965: Comprehensive System.
Aimed to overcome class divide, abolished 11+ along with grammars and secondary modern - replaced with comprehensive schools.
System still reproduces inequality
STREAMING: M/c placed in higher ability groups, streaming can lead to a SFP in which the achievements of the lower streams deteroriates.
LABELLING: No streaming? Well, teachers will label you anyway. W/c = labelled negatively and have restricted opportunities.
LEGITIMATED class inequality - esp through the myth of meritocracy.
Marketisation & parentocracy
1988: Education Reform Act (ERA) {NEW RIGHTS}
Established the principle of marketisation in education (Thatcher)
Created a 'education market' by:
Reduces direct state control over education.
Increasing competition between schools and parental choice of schools.
Policies to promote marketisation include:
Publication of exam league tables & OFSTED reports = parents more informed, encourages competition.
Business sponsorship of schools - technology schools.
Open enrolment - more pupils
Formula funding = schools receive same amount of funding for each pupil.
Schools allowed to opt out of LEA control.
MORE COMPETITION - attract more pupils.
DAVID: Describes phase as parentocracy (rule by parents)
Marketisation: Introducing market forces of consumer choice & competition.
Stephen Ball & Geoff Whitty: Marketisation reproduces & legitimates inequality (exam league tables & funding formula)
EXAM LEAGUE TABLES: Allows schools to be more selective & recruit high achieving, mainly m/c
Schools w/ poor league table positions - can't afford to be selective and have to take w/c = poorer results and unattractive to m/c parents.
Funding formula: Popular schools get more funds and better facilities - popularity allows them to be selective and attracts more able and ambitious.
BALL: Myth of parentocracy - marketisation appears to allow all parents to have the same freedom and choice in their schools.
GERWITZ: Shows m/c have more economic and cultural capital = can take advantage.
LEE AND CAMPOS: M/C parents can move into school catchment areas.
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