Geography Hazards: Earthquakes


(Geography) Mind Map on Geography Hazards: Earthquakes, created by rubymelia on 05/21/2014.
Mind Map by rubymelia, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by rubymelia over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Geography Hazards: Earthquakes
  1. Causes
    1. Destructive Plate Boundaries: when subduction occurs earthquakes can happen
      1. Conservative Plate Boundaries: as plates move past each other in opposite directions pressure and friction build up and is eventually released through earthquake shock waves
        1. Focus: the point at which the pressure is relesed (underground)
          1. Epicentre: the point directly above the focus on the surface-most damage occurs here
            1. Shallow focus (0-70km below ground), Intermediate focus (70-300km deep), Deep focus (300-700km deep)
            2. Case Study-Kobe, Japan
              1. CAUSES: two destructive plate boundaries collided, 400 years since last earthquake so pressure builds up
                1. SOCIAL: 230,000 homeless, destroyed 7,500 homes, shortage of clean water, blankets and food,
                  1. 5:46am, 17th January 1995
                    1. ECONOMIC: Companies forced to close, electricity, gas and water supplies disrupted, destroyed 7,500 houses, 200,000 buildings collapsed, several traines derailed, 120 of 150 quays in Kobe destroyed
                      1. ENVIRONMENTAL: 716 aftershocks, fires by broken gas pipes
                        1. RESPONSES: Kobe's water, electricity and gas were funcional by July, all rail services back to normal, 80% of Kobe part functional
                          1. MANAGEMENT: monitering seismic activity, after 2 days they requested insternational help and support
                          2. Definitions
                            1. Aftershocks (small temors which follow an earthquake event)
                              1. Foreshocks (Tremors which occur before the main event)
                                1. Infrastructure (communications: internet, roads, railways)
                                  1. Richter Scale (identifies the measurements and severity of earthquakes)
                                    1. Magnitude (size of earthquake on the richter scale)
                                    2. Reducing Impact
                                      1. Automatic window shutters prevent falling glass
                                        1. Automatic sprinker system and gas cut off in case of fire
                                          1. Foundations set deep in ground to stabilise buildings
                                            1. Costa Rica uses bamboo in houses as it is strong yet flexible
                                              1. Buildings have moveable weights to counter the effects of the shock waves
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