
Mind Map on TRIBUNALS, created by chloe.elliff on 05/21/2014.
Mind Map by chloe.elliff, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by chloe.elliff over 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. number of tribunals
    1. operate under three umbrellas
      1. administrative tribunals
        1. domestic tribunals
          1. tribunals of enquiry
        2. they are
          1. important part of the legal system
            1. act as specialist courts
              1. for diputes in specialist areas
                1. domestic
                  1. administrative
                    1. employment
              2. ADMINISTRATIVE
                1. deals with disputes between individuals and the state over rights contained in social welfare legislation
                  1. like security, rent, immigration etc come under this
                2. DOMESTIC
                  1. internal disputes used for disputes within private bodies such as the Law Society and General Medical Council
                    1. handle matters of professional misconduct
                  2. EMPLOYMENT
                    1. biggest use of tribunals
                      1. deals with disputes between
                        1. employers and employees
                      2. usually consists of three people
                        1. first introduced more than 70 different tribunals
                          1. led to over complication and users felt intimidated and confused by the system
                        2. STRENGTHS
                          1. cost
                            1. encouraged to take their own cases without the need of representation - made easier with availability of application forms online
                            2. speed
                              1. duty on tribunal judges to take on case management duties - able to impose strict timetables to ensure as many cases heard in a day as possible
                            3. WEAKNESSES
                              1. delay
                                1. if the case is one of a complex nature then there can be a delay in getting the case heard
                                2. lack of precedent
                                  1. tribunals do not operate a strict system of precedent so there is sometimes an element of unpredictability to the outcomes of cases - creates uncertainty
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