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History Germany: Hitler and Religion
(History) Mind Map on History Germany: Hitler and Religion, created by rubymelia on 05/21/2014.
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History Germany: Hitler and Religion
Why Hitler didn't like the Catholic Church
Catholics owed their loyalty to the pope, not Hitler
Catholics supported the centre party
catholic parents preferred to send their children to catholic youth movement rather than nazi youth
1933: Hitler signed the Concordat
Hitler promised to leave the catholic church alone as long as the catholic church kept out of politics
Hitler broke the promise and removed the crucifix from classrooms, schools were taken away from church control, catholic youth was illegal
Priests opposed Hitler, 400 priests sent to Dachau concentration camp, pope lost patient with Hitler by 1937
Reich Church
Set up in 1933
Protestant groups that supported Hitler agrred to join to form the Reich Church
led by Ludwig Muller
Keenest members called themselves "German Christians"
"the swastika on our chest and the cross on our hearts"
Confessional Church
Many protestant priests and pastors opposed Hitler and the Reich church
led by Martin Niemoller
6,000 pastors supported this church, leaving only 2,000 for the Reich church
Niemoller and other pastors were arrested and sent to concentration camps
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