Chapter 1 B2 P1


Book 2 Part 1: City and country 1660-1760 Mind Map on Chapter 1 B2 P1, created by Dearbhla Dunne on 05/21/2014.
Dearbhla Dunne
Mind Map by Dearbhla Dunne, updated more than 1 year ago
Dearbhla Dunne
Created by Dearbhla Dunne over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Chapter 1 B2 P1


  • Bernini and Baroque Rome
  1. Papal Rome
    1. Urban VIII
    2. St Peter's and the Vatican
      1. Baldacchino
      2. What is Baroque art?
        1. Wolfflin
          1. David
          2. Bernini's busts and figure sculpture
            1. Louis XIV, Cardinal Borghese
              1. Apollo and Daphne
              2. The unity of the visual arts
                1. Ecstasy of Saint Teresa
                  1. Bel Composto
                  2. The Four Rivers Fountain
                    1. Innocent X
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