How to answer exam questions


Cambridge IGCSE History Mind Map on How to answer exam questions, created by beccalaw7 on 05/25/2014.
Mind Map by beccalaw7, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by beccalaw7 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

How to answer exam questions
  1. Cartoon questions
    1. Circle areas to talk about
      1. Describe features and explain what's going on
        1. Link the question into explanation
          1. Add contextual knowledge
            1. Conclude by answering the question again "overall..."
            2. Written source questions
              1. What does the source tell us?
                1. What doesn't the source tell us?
                  1. Refer to where the source came from and how reliable it is
                    1. Show knowledge about the person or event mentioned
                    2. 'Describe' questions
                      1. Make a few points, only describing short elements
                        1. Spend 4 mins max on it!
                        2. 'Explain' or 'how did' questions
                          1. Use because!
                            1. Write a couple of PEE paragraphs
                              1. Explain 2 points in detail with evidence
                              2. 'how far did' 10 mark questions
                                1. Spend 15-20 mins on it
                                  1. Weigh up both sides like an argument
                                    1. Clear introduction that answers the question in a few sentences
                                      1. Talk about first side of argument in PEE style
                                        1. Talk about second side in PEE style
                                        2. that answers the question againConclusion= most important part
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