Module B5- Growth and Development


Mind Map on Module B5- Growth and Development, created by davebuck98 on 05/26/2014.
Mind Map by davebuck98, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by davebuck98 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Module B5- Growth and Development
  1. How Organisms Develop
    1. Cell Specialisation
      1. Switching Genes on and off
      2. Cell Specialisation in Plants
        1. Meristems
          1. Phototropism
            1. Phototropism and Auxin
        2. Producing New Cells
          1. Mitosis
            1. Meiosis
            2. Controlling Growth and Development
              1. DNA
                1. The Genetic Code
                  1. Genetic Code- higher Tier
                  2. Switching on and off
                    1. Switching Genes back on- Higher Tier
                  Show full summary Hide full summary


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