Human Biology


A Levels Human Biology Mind Map on Human Biology, created by lauren.woiwod on 05/26/2014.
Mind Map by lauren.woiwod, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by lauren.woiwod over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Human Biology
  1. Proteins
    1. Functions: • Growth & Repair • Energy (~15%) • Hormones • Channel Proteins • Carrier Proteins • Enzymes • Antibodies • Structural Proteins
      1. Primary Structure
        1. The specific sequence of Amino Acids in a Polypeptide.
        2. Secondary Structure
          1. Refers to either an α helix or a β pleated sheet. Held together by hydrogen bonds.
          2. Tertiary Structure
            1. Refers to the overall 3D shape of the polypeptide. Held in shape by three bonds (Hydrogen, Ionic and Disulfride Bridge) and 1 interaction (Hydrophillic/Hydrophobic).
            2. Quarternary Structure
              1. Thsi is more than one Polypeptide
              2. Amino Acids
                1. 20 Amino Acids
                  1. 12 are non-essential
                    1. 8 are essential
                2. Lipids
                  1. Functions: • Protection • Energy (~35%) • Insulation – Thermal & Electrical • Cell Membranes • Steroid Hormones (Oestrogen & Testosterone)
                    1. Cholesterol
                      1. .4 carbon based rings .Make the membrane less fluid by filling between fatty acids .Steroid hormones
                    2. Organelles
                      1. Ribosomes
                        1. Mitochondria
                          1. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
                            1. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
                              1. Nucleus
                                1. Chloroplasts
                                  1. Ciliated Cells
                                    1. Plasmid
                                      1. Flagellum
                                        1. Lysosomes
                                          1. Goblet Cell
                                            1. Golgi Body
                                              1. Cell Wall
                                                1. Cell Membrane
                                                  1. Centrioles
                                                    1. Vesicle
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