Computer Science 2.1.3


A level Computing Mind Map on Computer Science 2.1.3, created by Jamie Fisher on 19/06/2017.
Jamie Fisher
Mind Map by Jamie Fisher, updated more than 1 year ago
Jamie Fisher
Created by Jamie Fisher almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Computer Science 2.1.3
  1. This diagram shows that each procedure does not know how other functions work, just what data is required to be passed on.
    1. Procedural Decomposition - Most computational problems beyond the trivial need to be broken down into sub-problems before they can be solved.
      1. Think of any system which starts off by presenting the user with a menu of choices. Each choice will result in a different, self-contained module.
        1. What is Top-Down Design? - The technique of breaking down a problem into the major tasks to be performed; each of these tasks is further broken down into subtasks, until each is sufficiently simple to be self-contained.
          1. This diagram is an example of a hierarchy chart, which is a tool for representing the structure of a program.
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