Cranial Nerve Examination


Mind Map on Cranial Nerve Examination, created by trlan4 on 05/27/2014.
Mind Map by trlan4, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by trlan4 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Cranial Nerve Examination
  1. CN ll - Optic Nerve
    1. Snellen Chart and pinhole test
    2. CN III, IV, and Vl - Oculomotor, Trochlear, and Abducens Nerves
      1. Size, shape and symmetry of pupils
        1. Direct and indirect responses to light
          1. Eye movements
          2. CN V - Trigeminal Nerve
            1. Forehead, malar eminence and lower face
              1. Sharp blunt discrimination and light touch test
            2. CN l - Olfactory nerve
              1. Altered smell
                1. Deformity of nose
                2. CN Vll - Facial Nerve
                  1. Facial expression asymmetry
                    1. Facial muscle strength testing
                    2. CN Vlll - Vestibulocochlea Nerve
                      1. Auditory testing
                        1. Whispering numbers in ear
                          1. High tone - 68 Low tone 100
                      2. CN lX - Glossophryngeal Nerve
                        1. Gag reflex, carotid body and sinus reflex, taste in posterior tongue
                        2. CN X - Vagus Nerve
                          1. Hoarse voice, hollow cough, dysphagia & dyspnoea
                          2. CN Xll - Hypoglossal nerve
                            1. Tongue atrophy, defect protrusion, power
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