MY FRESHMAN YEAR AT GMHS; a hero journey


Mind Map on MY FRESHMAN YEAR AT GMHS; a hero journey, created by Vickie1315 on 05/28/2014.
Mind Map by Vickie1315, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Vickie1315 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

MY FRESHMAN YEAR AT GMHS; a hero journey
    1. Got Excellence in ICR English l
      1. Leadership Award
        1. All "A's" in 3rd quarter
          1. Learned to love to read
            1. Learned to Love History
            2. HOW I'VE CHANGED
              1. Learned to ask for help because we move fast though during the year
                1. Learned to be more on top of my school work and how it can change my life with my GPA
                  1. Grow closer to my old friends
                  2. WHAT I WILL DO NEXT YEAR
                    1. Go to more games
                      1. Work hard in Sports Medicine Student Assistance
                        1. Work to get all "A's" the whole year
                        2. LESSONS I DID LEARNED
                          1. Be willing to help others and
                            1. Work to keep your integrity and honest with your teachers and peers
                              1. Don't lie to get in with the popular group
                                1. Don't wait to the last minute to do something
                                2. ADVICE I WOULD GIVE 8TH GRADE NOW
                                  1. Don't stop trying
                                    1. Do your best, not do someone elses best
                                      1. Stay true to yourself
                                        1. Ask for help
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