Biology 1a Human


Human Biology based on the AQA Board. GCSE Revision whoo :)
Mind Map by Madsxox, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Madsxox over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Biology 1a Human
  1. Diet and Metabolic Rate
    1. Balance
      1. Provides Energy
        1. Fibre - Digestive system
          1. Carbohydrates - slow release energy
            1. Fats - warmth, release energy
              1. Protein - growth, cell repair and replacement
                1. Higher metabolism in higher muscle to fat ratio
                  1. Man - higher metabolism
                    1. Big = higher metabolism
                      1. Excercise = high metabolism
                      2. Factors Affecting health
                        1. Unbalanced diet
                          1. Obesity
                            1. high blood pressure
                              1. Heart disease
                                1. fat = cholesterol
                                2. Too thin
                                  1. fatigue
                                    1. irregular periods
                                      1. Slow growth
                                        1. Poor immune system
                                      2. Inherited
                                        1. Difficency diseases
                                          1. Scurvy
                                          2. Excercise
                                            1. decreases fat
                                              1. Builds muscles
                                                1. increases energy
                                              2. Fighting Disease
                                                1. Pathogens
                                                  1. Bacteria
                                                    1. produce toxins
                                                      1. cell damage
                                                        1. reproduce rapidly
                                                        2. Virus
                                                          1. cell damage
                                                            1. replicate
                                                              1. invades cells
                                                            2. Defence system
                                                              1. throat
                                                                1. hair, mucus and skin
                                                                2. cuts
                                                                  1. platelets - clot blood
                                                                  2. immune system
                                                                    1. White Blood Cells (WBCs)
                                                                  3. Vaccinations
                                                                    1. boosters
                                                                      1. prevents doesn't cure
                                                                        1. dead or inactive cells injected
                                                                          1. herd protection
                                                                            1. e.g. MMR
                                                                              1. Could be allergic
                                                                                1. Might not work
                                                                                2. Drugs
                                                                                  1. antibiotics
                                                                                    1. cure
                                                                                      1. Deadly strains as a result
                                                                                  2. Nervous System
                                                                                    1. Sense organs
                                                                                      1. detect stimuli
                                                                                        1. change in environment
                                                                                      2. eyes, ears, nose, mouth, skin
                                                                                        1. Sense receptors
                                                                                          1. Light receptors in eyes
                                                                                            1. sound receptors in ears
                                                                                            2. Sensory Neurones
                                                                                              1. carry signals as electrical impulses
                                                                                              2. Relay neurones
                                                                                                1. nerve cells carry signals from sensory to motor
                                                                                                2. Motor neurones
                                                                                                  1. carry signals from CNS to effectors
                                                                                                  2. Effectors
                                                                                                    1. Muscles and glands
                                                                                                      1. Muscles contract
                                                                                                        1. Glands secrete hormones
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