Case Study: Cardiff Bay MEDW


A-Levels Travel and Tourism Mind Map on Case Study: Cardiff Bay MEDW, created by ItsEmilyMac on 05/30/2014.
Mind Map by ItsEmilyMac, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ItsEmilyMac over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Case Study: Cardiff Bay MEDW
  1. Agents
    1. Cardiff Bay development corporation
      1. Cardiff Bay harbour authority
        1. National Gov. Urban Development programme
          1. Cardiff City Council
            1. Welsh Assembly
              1. Hotel developers
              2. Objectives
                1. economic regeneration
                  1. Job creation after end of steel industry, mining and dock work
                    1. promote development
                      1. Environmental improvements
                        1. Enhance image and create identity
                        2. Impacts
                          1. Urban regeneration
                            1. Quality of life improved for locals
                              1. Jobs created
                                1. Infrastructure improved
                                  1. Community facilities and assets provided
                                    1. Loss of traditional cultural identity
                                      1. Increased income for private sector companies
                                        1. Encourage rise is visitor numbers and spendings
                                          1. Some multiplier effect in operation
                                            1. Enhanced image and raised profile of Cardiff
                                            2. Management
                                              1. Regarded as one of the most successful regeneration projects in the UK
                                                1. 2 visitor centres 1 in the city and one at the bay
                                                  1. Information on websites to help plan a visit
                                                    1. Plenty of public transport links
                                                      1. Downloadable maps
                                                      2. Sustainable Tourism Development
                                                        1. Smart bike scheme
                                                          1. Local produce is promoted through farmers market
                                                            1. Cardiff central library - ecological roof
                                                              1. Attractive routes for walking
                                                              Show full summary Hide full summary


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