Evolutionary explanations of sleep


Mind Map on Evolutionary explanations of sleep, created by 07huntk on 05/30/2014.
Mind Map by 07huntk, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 07huntk over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Evolutionary explanations of sleep
  1. Energy conservation
    1. sleep provides a period of inactivity to conserve energy
      1. essential for animals with high metabolic rate
      2. Foraging
        1. herbivores spend less time sleeping
          1. carnivores more because food rich in nutrients
          2. Predator avoidance
            1. sleep constrained by predation risk
              1. predators sleep more prey less
              2. Waste of time
                1. sleep may be a way of staying still at times when an animal cannot forage and would be subject to predation
                2. Evaluation
                  1. evidence about animal sleep patterns incomplete - Phylogeny of sleep project
                    1. evidence suggests that species with a higher metabolic rate sleep more - Zepelin and Rechtschaffen (1974)
                      1. evidence suggests that species with higher predation risk sleep less - Alison and Cicchetti (1976)
                        1. evidence from Capellini et al )2008) - supports foraging and predator avoidance
                          1. NREM evolved first for energy conservation then REM to maintain brain activity
                            1. phylogenetic signal supports evolution of sleep patterns
                            2. IDA
                              1. evolutionary approach can be combined with restoration using core and optional sleep - Horne (1988)
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