Religous Studies


Mind Map on Religous Studies, created by ollieday333 on 05/31/2014.
Mind Map by ollieday333, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ollieday333 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Religous Studies
  1. Christian Marrige
    1. Abortion
      1. Meaning: a medical process of ending a pregnancy, and does not result in a birth of a child
        1. Catholic Teaching: They believe it is wrong
          1. One of 10 commandments was 'thou shall not kill' and lists no exceptions
            1. They support adoption and babies are always in need
            2. Why women have abortions
              1. Baby may of been by incest or rape
                1. Would effect life at work
                  1. If teen may be afraid of what parents think
                    1. Because of medical abnormality
                      1. Financial problem
                        1. Mothers life at risk
                          1. when child not desired, by sexual encounter
                        2. Adoption and Fostering
                          1. Fostering: when you care for a child for a short amount of time
                            1. Catholics believe that both are good
                            2. Adoption: When you legally become to parents of the child and it is a life long commitment
                                1. Catholics believe it is one of the best options for couples if they cannot have children naturally
                              1. IVF
                                1. Enter text here
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