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How Hitler Became Dictator
Mind Map on How Hitler Became Dictator, created by on 06/01/2014.
Mind Map by
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
over 10 years ago
Resource summary
How Hitler Became Dictator
The birth of the Nazi Party 1919
The 25 point program
Scrap Versailles treaty
Expanding German Borders
Depriving Jews of German citizenship
Willing to use force
The group attracted supporters from the Army, Police and Small business
Hitler's role grows
Changed the name to NSDAP or 'Nazi'
Adopted the Swastika
Bought a newspaper to spread news
Gathered leaders:
Ernst Rohm
Hermann Goering
Rudolf Hess
Julius Streicher
Cultivated powerful friends
Created a private army (SA)
Awarded Iron Cross in WW1
Sent to spy on German Workers Party (DAP)
Found he agreed with their views
Joined party in Sep 1919
Reorganising the Nazi Party
New Organisation and Funding
New efficient admnistrators
Divided the party into regions
Befriended wealthy businessmen
The SA and SS
Protected Nazi meetings
Intimidated opponents
Gave the appearance of strength and order
Didn't trust the SA so set up the SS as personal bodyguard
SS widely feared
Goebbels and Nazi Propaganda
Created scapegoats to blame Germany's problems
The Jews
THe Communists
The leaders of the Weimar
Promoted Hitler as the voice of the Nazis.
Created by most up-to-date technology
Used aeroplanes to fly and do more speeches each day
Created an image of strength:
Hit'er's passion
Spectacle of mass rallies
Impressive power of SS & SA
Nazi Party progress by 1928
Inflation ad eased, employment increased, public better off
Stressemann regaining status
Von hindenburg became president, his reputation boosted the Wiemar Republic
Nazis only won 12 seats
9th biggest party
Polled only 2.6% votes
Nazis win power 1932-33
The Presidential Elections
Hitler got 13 million votes
The fall of Chancellor Bruning
Kurt organised a coalition of right-wing groups.
persuaded they had the majority Bruning sacked
von Papen becomes chancellor.
Hindenburg made Von Papen chancellor
Hitler and the Nazi became part of the government for the first time.
NSDAP won 230 seats in the Reichstag now the largest party.
without Hitler's support von Papen can't command the majority.
he resignes
Hitler becomes Chancellor
von Papen says Hitler is in his pocket.
Hitler appointed chancellor.
The Munich Putsch 1923
Wanted to exploit discontent about the Hyperinflation
Wanted to act before Stresemann sorted the Hyperinflation out, before unrest died
Stresseman's govt was starting to try and get rid of extremist groups
Hitler storms govt meeting with 600 SA
Announces he is leader of Bavaria
He would then march against the German govt
They initially agreed to support his uprising
The next day they changed their minds
Hitler's troops marched through the town centre announcing him President
State police culled uprising, wounded, killed and arrested some of the group
Hitler & three others were imprisoned for 5 years
The NSDAP was banned
Hitler used his trial publicity
The ban on NSDAP was raised and the publicity won them seats
Hitler was released after 9 months
used his time to write Mein Kampf
This book became the gude light of the Nazi party
Hitler realised he needed a new approach to gain power
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