Heart disease


Mind Map on Heart disease, created by Jody Lelean-Smith on 18/05/2013.
Jody Lelean-Smith
Mind Map by Jody Lelean-Smith, updated more than 1 year ago
Jody Lelean-Smith
Created by Jody Lelean-Smith over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Heart disease
  1. Risk Factors
    1. Smoking
      1. Carbon Monoxide
        1. combines with haemoglobin - carboxyhaemoglobin
          1. Reduces O2 carrying capacity of blood.
            1. Heart works harder - ^ BP
        2. Nicotine
          1. Stimulates adreneline
            1. ^ BPM & BP
        3. High BP
          1. Heart works harder
            1. More likely to cause anneurysm
              1. Haemorrage
              2. To resist higher BP, arteries thicken- restrict blood flow
              3. Cholesterol
                1. LDLs
                  1. Atheroma
                2. Diet
                  1. High salt - high BP
                    1. High saturated fat - high LDL
                  2. Atheroma
                    1. 1) Begins as fatty streaks


                      • accumulations of WBC taking up LDLs
                      1. 2) Streaks enlarge -> Atheromatous plaque
                        1. 3) Bulge into lumen of artery - narrows
                          1. Increase risk of thrombosis & anneurysm
                          2. Thrombosis
                            1. 1) If atheroma breaks through lining of blood vessel = rough surface
                              1. 2) Blood clot (thrombus)
                                1. 3) Reduces blood supply - deprived region dies
                                  1. 4) Sometimes thrombus carried off - blocks another artery
                                  2. Aneurysm
                                    1. 1) Atheromas weaken artery walls
                                      1. 2) Weakened points swell to form aneurysm
                                        1. 3)Frequently burst - haemorrage
                                          1. Brain = stroke
                                          2. Myocardial infarction
                                            1. 1) Blockage in coronary artery
                                              1. 2) heart stops as blood supply cut off if close to junction of CA and Aorta
                                                1. 3) If further along - milder symptoms as smaller area will suffer O2 deprivation
                                                Show full summary Hide full summary


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