B6 Revision


Mind Map on B6 Revision, created by emilydilorenzo on 06/02/2014.
Mind Map by emilydilorenzo, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by emilydilorenzo over 10 years ago

Resource summary

B6 Revision
  1. Behaviour and Simple Reflexes
    1. Behaviour
      1. Involuntary Behaviour
        1. Enter text here
        2. Behaviour and Simple Reflexes
          1. Behaviour
            1. Everything an organism does in response to a stimuli around it
            2. Involuntary Behaviour
              1. Behaviour that happens without concious decision
              2. Voluntary Behaviour
                1. behaviour that happens because of a concious decision
                2. Simple Reflex
                  1. These produce rapid involuntary and automatic responses to stimuli
                  2. Complex Behaviour
                    1. This includes behaviour learned from experience and altered reflex responses
                    2. Stimulus
                      1. A change in the environment of an organism both internal and external that causes a responce
                      2. Receptor
                        1. These detect the stimulus
                        2. Effector
                          1. These bring about the response to a stimulus and are muscles and glands
                          2. Processing Centre
                            1. receives info and coordinates a response, usually your CNS
                            2. Response
                              1. Action or behaviour that is caused by a stimulus
                            3. Nervous Systems
                              1. Hormonal Communication System
                                1. Uses chemicals produced in glands to send messages
                                  1. Responses are slower and longer lasting
                                    1. Insulin/oestrogen in ovaries
                                    2. Nervous Communication System
                                      1. Electrical Impulses are used to send messages
                                        1. Fast/short lived responce
                                          1. Simple Reflexes are examples
                                          2. Neurons linking receptor cells to effector cells
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