Cold War Grand Alliance


Mind Map on Cold War Grand Alliance, created by BrettJ69 on 06/04/2014.
Mind Map by BrettJ69, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by BrettJ69 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Cold War Grand Alliance
  1. Three main powers
    1. USA
      1. Britain
        1. USSR
        2. Three conferences
          1. Tehran Conference (1943)
            1. USA and Britain would open up a second front
              1. Splits German defenses
                1. Takes pressure off the USSR
              2. USSR would declare war on Japan once Germany was defeated.
                1. Poland should be given land from Germany, but lose some to the USSR
                2. Yalta Conference (1945)
                  1. Germany: reduced, demilitarised and to pay reperations
                    1. Germany to be split into four zones
                      1. Britain
                        1. France
                          1. USA
                            1. USSR
                            2. Nazi party banned, and Nazi war criminals to be tried in front of an international court
                              1. UN replaces league of nations
                              2. Potsdam Conference (1945)
                                1. Confirmed previous meeting aims
                                  1. Up until this meeting it was Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill. It was then Stalin, Truman, Atlee
                                2. Capitalism.(Cap) Communism.(Com)
                                  1. Focus
                                    1. (Cap) Individual rights
                                      1. (Com) The rights of the working class
                                      2. Values
                                        1. (Cap) Individual freedom
                                          1. (Com) Equality
                                          2. Economy
                                            1. (Cap) Free trade
                                              1. (Com) Government planned
                                              2. Politics
                                                1. (Cap) Democratic elections
                                                  1. (Com) Communist Party controls government
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