ICT Policies


Mind Map on ICT Policies, created by lilyjayneg on 06/04/2014.
Mind Map by lilyjayneg, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by lilyjayneg over 10 years ago

Resource summary

ICT Policies
  1. Procurement Policy
    1. Covers the purchasing
      1. Software
        1. Hardware
        2. Disposes Old hardware, to prevent data being stolen
        3. Training Policy
          1. Training needed
            1. For new employees
              1. New hardware and software
              2. Training reduces
                1. Human error Mistakes
                  1. Security and privacy issues
                    1. Complaints from customers
                  2. Security Policy
                    1. Identify potential Risks to data
                      1. Manage the risks associated with threats
                        1. Allocate the responsibility for the security of data
                          1. State the resources needed to maintain security of data.
                          2. Acceptable use Policy
                            1. This gives guidance to the users with in a company
                              1. It Tells the users about how they should use the system
                                1. For example, a message pop-up before the user logs on to the system
                                  1. E.g: Don't use the system to access personal emails
                              2. Recruitment Policy
                                1. The expectations needed for a job
                                  1. Qualifications
                                    1. Experience
                                      1. Personal Qualities
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