The Tudors


History Mind Map on The Tudors, created by tashahill6120 on 06/05/2014.
Mind Map by tashahill6120, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by tashahill6120 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

The Tudors
  1. Henry VIII
    1. Broke from Rome and became protestant
      1. Because he wanted a divorce from Catherine of Aragon
        1. Wanted to have a son and heir
          1. Didnt like people having more power than himself
            1. Destroyed catholic monestries and took their money for wars
              1. He thought the catholic church was becoming too superstitious
              2. Had 6 wives
                1. 1) Catherine of Aragon-Divroced
                  1. 2)Anne Boleyn-Beheaded
                    1. 3) Jane Seymour- Died in child birth
                      1. 4)Anne of Cleves-Divorced
                        1. 5)Kathryn Howard-Beheaded
                          1. 6)Katherine Parr- Outlived Henry
                          2. Catholic churches were very different to prostestant
                            1. Had stained glass windows
                              1. More decorated
                                1. More colourful
                                  1. Statues
                                    1. Formal
                                      1. Candles
                                        1. Services and bible in latin
                                      2. Bloody Mary
                                        1. Changed the church back to catholic
                                          1. Was the queen from 1553-1558
                                            1. Her government was not weak
                                              1. Her foriegn marraige was very unpopular
                                                1. Did not produce a male heir
                                                  1. 287 protestants were burned at the stake
                                                  2. Elizabeth I
                                                    1. Changed the church back to protestant but did let the catholics to worship seperately
                                                      1. Ruled from 1558-1603
                                                        1. Her problems
                                                          1. Mary Queen of Scots is ligitemet to the English throne but she is catholic so catholic people will favoiur her
                                                            1. Some catholics planned to kill Elizabeth
                                                              1. Whilst Mary was alive plots would continue in her favour
                                                                1. Elizabeth kept Mary imprisoned for 19 years
                                                                2. Starvation- food shortages, large amount of people unemployed, beggars
                                                                  1. Needs a son and heir to the throne but she doesnt want to marry and all her power to go to her husband
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