

GCSE and IGCSE GCSEs (English) Mind Map on Kurdistan, created by Jade Lai on 06/08/2014.
Jade Lai
Mind Map by Jade Lai, updated more than 1 year ago
Jade Lai
Created by Jade Lai over 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Language : Kurdish, Turkish, Arabic and Persian
    1. Population : 35 to 40 million
      1. Region, not a country
        1. Kurds are a nation of 25 millions people without a country
          1. The Kurds have been fighting for independence since the end of World War 1
          2. Suffered from terrorism, discrimination and human right abuses for many years
            1. Kurds make up 20% of the population in Turkey
              1. Most of them practice the Islamic religion
                1. Area : 190,000 - 390,000 km²
                  1. Very family oriented
                    1. Kurds marry young, usually 17,18 years old
                      1. Marriage between first cousins are common
                        1. Couples live with other's family after marrying, but have their own rooms and seperate housekeeping arrangements
                        2. Traditional Clothing
                          1. Women wear colourful skirts and blouses
                            1. Men wear baggy, colourful trousers with a plain shirt.
                              1. Brighted coloured vests and sashes were worn over the shirt
                                1. Bule silk turban on his head
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