people living in IDP camps limited
access to water, health facilities,
IDP camps, Nyala largest IDP
security stopping people
going home, water keeping
them in camps. Agencies
providing sanitation,
healthcare and basic drugs,
some ppl dont receive
1 million under
18. 1/5 mil
under age 5
unicef - safe area for
children to play.
fragmented families,
fathers killed, mothers
$7.2 Bil in
23% GDP goes to
sudanese side of war
hard to estimate total cost - $24bil.
especially damaging as sudan such
poor country, money could have been
spent on development
40%ppl live in
poverty receiving
aid worth $4bil
trade of livestock in
darfur important to
sudan's economy .
Mils of pounds of
livestock lost due to
effects of conflict in
this region
conflict prevented economic
growth e.g productive farmland
been abandoned and many of
natural available resources
haven't been developed
economic consequences
more long term as takes
longer to recover
no provisions or money goes into
sustainability. gov spends $10 bil on
war instead of development &
desertification (causes land to become
unsuitable for growing vegetation) happening
around IDP camps. refugees stripping land
of vegetation to use as fuel- soil becomes
more exposed to wind & rain & is eroded
refugees putting increased
pressure on local resources,
use available firewood &
cause deforestation
polluting water
sources (poor waste
uncontrolled deforestation
taking place groups participate
in logging to fund conflict & for
gov allowing/funding
janjaweed to do
'scortched earth' policy
(burn everything)
IDP camps unsustainable
groundwater extraction, need more
than 1,000m3/day & 5 of 12 bore
holes ran dry