Created by cian.buckley
almost 12 years ago
Most energy being consumed in rich, Western countries, where wasteful consumer societies use more and more of the world's resources North makes up only 25% of population but we use 85% of worlds energy
Electricity is a secondary source of energy because it is generated from original sources such as oil and gas
World uses 140,000 litres of oil every second
Renewable energy can be used repeatedly without being used up. Wind, tides, falling water and solar (sun) energy are all examples
Non-Renewable energy sources must be burned in order to release their energy. Once burned they cannot be used again. Oil, gas, coal and peat are all examples. They will eventually be used up
Contains 1/4 of the world's crude oil and is the world's leading oil-exporting country Saudi Arabia was once a poor country, inhabited mainly by nomad farmers who wandered from place to place in search of grazing for their sheep and cattle Oil has now made Saudi Arabia one of the world's richest countries Its citizens enjoy a high standard of living, plenty of employment and ultra-modern hospitals, schools and other services
But oil, being finite (non-renewable), will eventually be used up. The country must therefore use its vast existing wealth to diversify its economy
Energy Guzzlers
Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy
Case Study: Saudi Arabia
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