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Quiz on ch17 1-34, created by c2c0b5e2 on 23/07/2014.

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Created by c2c0b5e2 about 10 years ago

ch17 1-34

Question 1 of 34


The foundation of U.S. policy toward the Soviet Union after World War II was

Select one of the following:

  • détente.

  • unilateralism.

  • containment.

  • internationalism.

  • isolationism.


Question 2 of 34


Which of the following is the measure of success in an unconventional war?

Select one of the following:

  • winning the support of the people

  • territory gained

  • enemy soldiers killed

  • combat units destroyed

  • regime change


Question 3 of 34


The basis for containment policy was the assumption that

Select one of the following:

  • the Soviet Union could be stopped from achieving its global ambitions only by the forceful use of American power.

  • the spread of nuclear weapons is a danger to the world and must be prevented.

  • economic trade should be tailored to benefit the fully industrialized nations through the formation of economic communities.

  • an arms race between the Soviet Union and the U.S. would inevitably escalate and therefore must be prevented through negotiations at an early stage.

  • terrorism can be identified and isolated in specific countries.


Question 4 of 34


The U.S. lesson learned from the Vietnam War was that

Select one of the following:

  • public opinion could be ignored by leaders during wartime.

  • nuclear weapons had utility in a war of insurgency.

  • there were limits on America's ability to get its own way in the world.

  • the national interest of the United States required a total disengagement from Asian affairs.

  • constant bombing will force the enemy to concede defeat.


Question 5 of 34


The communists took over China in ________.

Select one of the following:

  • 1917

  • 1929

  • 1935

  • 1949

  • 1962


Question 6 of 34


In 2002, President George W. Bush labeled ________ "the axis of evil".

Select one of the following:

  • Cuba, China, and Vietnam

  • Ethiopia, Somalia, and Libya

  • Russia, China, and North Korea

  • Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Jordan

  • Iraq, Iran, and North Korea


Question 7 of 34


The idea that major nations should act together in response to problems and crises is called

Select one of the following:

  • the one-world concept.

  • détente.

  • multilateralism.

  • internationalism.

  • containment.


Question 8 of 34


________ described the Soviet Union as the "evil empire".

Select one of the following:

  • Richard Nixon

  • Ronald Reagan

  • Bill Clinton

  • Jimmy Carter

  • Gerald Ford


Question 9 of 34


What has been the U.S. policy toward the World Trade Organization (WTO)?

Select one of the following:

  • It has generally tried to convince the WTO to support a more protectionist stance in world trade.

  • It has neither supported nor attempted to block the work of the WTO.

  • It has been a member of the WTO but refuses to abide by most WTO rulings.

  • It has refused to participate in the WTO.

  • It has attempted to strengthen the WTO.


Question 10 of 34


There are roughly ________ countries in the world.

Select one of the following:

  • 50

  • 100

  • 200

  • 300

  • 500


Question 11 of 34


Regarding assistance to developing nations, which of the following countries ranks lowest in terms of per capita expenditures?

Select one of the following:

  • Canada

  • Germany

  • France

  • the United States

  • Great Britain


Question 12 of 34


The United States pursues its economic policy goals through which of the following international organizations?

Select one of the following:

  • World Bank

  • World Trade Organization (WTO)

  • International Monetary Fund (IMF)

  • all of these: the World Bank, the World Trade Organization (WTO), and the International Monetary Fund (IMF)

  • None of these answers is correct.


Question 13 of 34


The policy of deterrence is based on the idea that

Select one of the following:

  • when threatened, a nation should strike first so that its enemy is deprived of the option of a surprise attack.

  • economic links with another country will deter it from aggression.

  • modern warfare requires a flexible response policy.

  • any nation would be deterred from launching a full-scale nuclear attack by the knowledge that, even if it destroyed the country, it too would be obliterated.

  • preemptive strikes are preferable to passive behavior.


Question 14 of 34


Since the cold war ended, U.S. policy makers' chief concern with nuclear weaponry has

Select one of the following:

  • the possibility of a computer error in the U.S. or former Soviet weapons systems that could mistakenly launch a nuclear missile.

  • the spread of nuclear technology to rogue nations or terrorist groups.

  • the use of a tactical nuclear weapon in ethnic conflicts in Eastern Europe.

  • the possibility that, in the process of dismantling the U.S. and former Soviet arsenals, a nuclear warhead could be accidentally detonated.

  • the spread of nuclear technology to NATO forces.


Question 15 of 34


The military-industrial complex

Select one of the following:

  • consists of an alliance of the military and industry that is pitted against officials in Congress and the executive branch.

  • suffered a rare defeat in 2009 when funding for additional F-22 fighter jets was rejected by Congress and the president.

  • was specifically mentioned and condemned in Harry S. Truman's farewell address.

  • both consists of an alliance of the military and industry pitted against officials in Congress and the executive branch; and is blamed for high levels of defense spending.

  • None of these answers is correct.


Question 16 of 34


The broad goals of the United States in the global economy include

Select one of the following:

  • maintaining access to world energy and other vital resources.

  • sustaining an open system of trade that will promote domestic prosperity.

  • keeping the widening gap between rich and poor countries from destabilizing the global economy.

  • all of these: maintaining access to world energy and other vital resources; sustaining an open system of trade that will promote domestic prosperity; and keeping the widening gap between rich and poor countries from destabilizing the global economy.

  • None of these answers is correct.


Question 17 of 34


On what grounds did President Barack Obama place a 35 percent tariff on the import of Chinese tires in 2009?

Select one of the following:

  • The tariff was part of the stimulus package designed to save the American auto manufacturing industry.

  • U.S. tire-makers needed the protection because they were forced to buy their raw materials from Chinese exporters.

  • The tariff was in retaliation to Chinese military exercises in the Yellow Sea.

  • U.S. tire-makers were less efficient than Chinese companies and needed government assistance.

  • Chinese tires were being subsidized by the Chinese government.


Question 18 of 34


The United States produces about ________ percent of the world's goods and services.

Select one of the following:

  • 5

  • 25

  • 50

  • 66

  • 75


Question 19 of 34


Which of the following is true about the trade imbalance in the United States?

Select one of the following:

  • The United States has not had a trade surplus since 1975.

  • Over the past decade, the U.S. trade deficit has exceeded $300 billion every year.

  • The United States has the largest trade deficit of the top three economic centers.

  • All of these are true: The United States has not had a trade surplus since 1975; over the past decade, the U.S. trade deficit has exceeded $300 billion every year; and the United States has the largest trade deficit of the top three economic centers.

  • None of these answers is correct.


Question 20 of 34


Regarding the position of the United States in world trade, it can be said that

Select one of the following:

  • the United States has never had a trade surplus.

  • in recent years, the United States has had trade surpluses more than deficits.

  • the United States has the most favorable balance of trade in the world.

  • the United States is a larger market than the European Union and the Pacific Rim combined.

  • None of these answers is correct.


Question 21 of 34


The term that most accurately describes the international economy today is

Select one of the following:

  • unilateralism.

  • isolationism.

  • interdependence.

  • protectionism.

  • insurgency.


Question 22 of 34


Which of the following is a true statement regarding the cold war?

Select one of the following:

  • It never became an actual shooting war between the United States and the Soviet Union.

  • The U.S. pursued a policy of containment.

  • It included U.S. support for governments being threatened by communism.

  • The global power structure was bipolar.

  • All these answers are correct.


Question 23 of 34


The phrase that best describes the shift in America's world position from the pre- to the post-World War II eras is

Select one of the following:

  • internationalism to isolationism.

  • isolationism to internationalism.

  • containment to isolationism.

  • interventionism to isolationism.

  • None of these answers is correct.


Question 24 of 34


________ took a historic journey to the People's Republic of China in 1972.

Select one of the following:

  • Lyndon Johnson

  • Hubert Humphrey

  • George McGovern

  • Richard Nixon

  • Cyrus Vance


Question 25 of 34


Roughly how many American soldiers lost their lives in the Korean War?

Select one of the following:

  • 1,000

  • 5,000

  • 35,000

  • 155,000

  • 500,000


Question 26 of 34


Roughly how many American soldiers lost their lives in the Vietnam War?

Select one of the following:

  • 35,000

  • 58,000

  • 123,000

  • 427,000

  • 650,000


Question 27 of 34


The ________ was created to coordinate domestic efforts to protect the United States against terrorist attacks and threats.

Select one of the following:

  • Department of Homeland Security

  • CIA

  • FBI

  • National Security Concil

  • State Department


Question 28 of 34


One reason the Soviet Union eventually collapsed was

Select one of the following:

  • One reason the Soviet Union eventually collapsed was

  • its isolation from Western technology and markets.

  • its inefficient centralized command economy.

  • all of these: heavy defense expenditures; isolation from Western technology and markets; and its inefficient centralized command economy.

  • None of these answers is correct.


Question 29 of 34


________, the former president of Yugoslavia, was tried for war crimes.

Select one of the following:

  • Slobodan Milosevic

  • Mikhail Gorbachev

  • Saddam Hussein

  • Lech Walesa

  • None of these answers is correct.


Question 30 of 34


Which of the following is a true statement about the 1990-1991 Gulf War?

Select one of the following:

  • It was a successful military operation.

  • It resolved the regional conflicts that prompted the original aggression by Iraq.

  • It was waged entirely by U.S. military forces.

  • It created a fiscal crisis because of the financial burden it placed on the United States.

  • None of these answers is correct.


Question 31 of 34


Defense spending per capita is highest in

Select one of the following:

  • Japan.

  • the United States.

  • France.

  • Great Britain.

  • Germany.


Question 32 of 34


The nuclear triad consists of

Select one of the following:

  • land-based missiles, bombers, and tactical nuclear weapons.

  • bombers, jet fighters, and submarine-based missiles.

  • land-based missiles, submarine-based missiles, and bombers.

  • bombers, land-based missiles, and cruise missiles.

  • None of these answers is correct.


Question 33 of 34


Regarding approaches to Iraq taken by the United States and the United Nations, what was the two-track policy that ensued in late 2002?

Select one of the following:

  • UN weapons inspectors entered Iraq in search of WMDs, while the United States attempted to convince allies to impose sanctions against Iraq.

  • UN weapons inspectors entered Iraq in search of WMDs, while the United States deployed combat units to Iraq's borders.

  • The United States attempted to convince allies to impose sanctions against Iraq while deploying combat units to Iraq's borders.

  • The United States imposed economic sanctions against Iraq while convincing Iraq's neighbors to blockade Iraq's borders.

  • The United States imposed a blockade of Iraq's borders while convincing Iraq's neighbors to cease trading with Iraq.


Question 34 of 34


Which president called for a new world order?

Select one of the following:

  • Bill Clinton

  • Ronald Reagan

  • George H. W. Bush

  • Dwight Eisenhower

  • George W. Bush
