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IBD Biology (Unit 12 : Human Physiology, Health & Reproduction II) Quiz on Reproduction : The Structure Of The Ovary & The Steps Of Oogenesis, created by cloud.berry on 28/09/2013.

Created by cloud.berry almost 11 years ago

Reproduction : The Structure Of The Ovary & The Steps Of Oogenesis

Question 1 of 13


Oogenesis begins in the ___ of the ___ ___ birth, but the final development of ___ is only completed in ___.

Select one of the following:

  • ovaries | fetus | before | oocytes | adult life

  • uterus | fetus | before | ova | puberty

  • ovaries | embryo | after | oocytes | adult life

  • oviduct | fetus | after | oogonium | fertilisation


Question 2 of 13


The ___ which lines the ___ surface of the ___, ___ by ___ cell division to form numerous ___.

Select one of the following:

  • germinal epithelium | outer | ovary | divides | mitotic | oogonia

  • sertoli cells | outer | uterus | divides | mitotic | ova

  • germinal epithelium | inner | ovary | multiplies | nuclear | oogonia

  • primary follicle | inner | oviduct | divides | nuclear | oocytes


Question 3 of 13


These cells migrate into the ___ of the ___, where they grow and ___ to form ___, and each of these then becomes surrounded by layers of ___ cells and the whole structure is called a ___.

Select one of the following:

  • connective tissue | ovary | enlarge | oocytes | follicle | primary follicle

  • connective tissue | ovary | enlarge | ova | follicle | secondary follicle

  • muscle tissue | ovary | diminish | oocytes | nutritive | primary follicle

  • muscle tissue | uterus | explode | oogonia | follicle | primary follicle


Question 4 of 13


By ___, production of ___ in the ___ ceases and by this stage there are several million in each ___.

Select one of the following:

  • mid-preganancy | oogonia | fetus | ovary

  • mid-pregnancy | ova | fetus | oviduct

  • the end of the preganancy | oogonia | embryo | ovary

  • the end of fertilisation | oooocytes | fetus | uterus


Question 5 of 13


Very ___ ___ ___, which is a process that ___.

Select one of the following:

  • many | oogonia | degenerate | continues throughout life

  • few | oogonia | regenerate | end after fertilisation

  • many | ova | are lost | continues until puberty

  • few | oocytes | die | continues only throughout childhood


Question 6 of 13


At the onset of ___ about ___ ___ remain and ___ than 1% of these ___ will complete their development; the remainder ___ become ___ or ___.

Select one of the following:

  • puberty | 250 000 | primary oocytes | less | follicles | never | secondary oocytes | ova

  • adult life | 50 000 | oogonia | less | follicles | never | secondary oocytes | primary oocytes

  • puberty | 200 000 | secondary oocytes | more | follicles | always | secondary oocytes | ooogonia

  • adult life | 25000 | primary oocytes | more | follicles | never | primary oocytes | ova


Question 7 of 13


Between ___ and the cessation of ___ at ___, ___ begin to develop further and several start to grow each ___, but usually ___.

Select one of the following:

  • puberty | ovulation | menopause | primary follicles | month | only one matures

  • fertilisation | oogenesis | puberty | secondary follicles | month | only two mature

  • puberty | oogenesis | fertilisation | primary follicles | year | only one matures

  • gametogenesis | ovulation | menopause | secondary follicles | month | only a few mature


Question 8 of 13


Development of ___ follicles involves ___ enlargement, and at the same time they move to the ___ part of the ___ and then undergo ___.

Select one of the following:

  • primary | progressive| outer | ovary | meiosis I

  • secondary | progressive | outer | uterus | meiosis I

  • primary | systematic | inner | ovary | meiosis II

  • secondary | chemical | inner | uterus | meiosis II


Question 9 of 13


In ___ the ___ division of the ___ follicle is ___ and forms a ___ and a ___.

Select one of the following:

  • meiosis I | cytoplasmic | primary follicle | unequal | tiny polar body | secondary oocyte

  • meiosis II | cytoplasmic | secondary follicle | unequal | large polar body | ova

  • meiosis I | mitotic | primary follicle | unequal | tiny polar body | primary oocyte

  • meiosis I | cytoplasmic | secondary follicle | equal | tiny polar bear | secondary oocyte


Question 10 of 13


After meiosis I, meiosis II begins ___.

Select one of the following:

  • but it doesn't go to completion

  • but it goes round twice

  • but it often breaks down before completion

  • and it goes to completion


Question 11 of 13


In its uncompleted condition, the ___ which is still a ___ is ___ from the ___ ( ___ ) by ___ of the ___.

Select one of the following:

  • egg cell | secondary oocyte | released | ovary | ovulation | rupture | follicle wall

  • primary follicle | secondary oocyte | released | oviduct | ovulation | poor quality | follicle wall

  • egg cell | tiny polar body | released | uterus | ovulation | rupture | ovary wall

  • ovum | secondary oocyte | dropped | ovary | ovulation | break down | cell wall


Question 12 of 13


___ occurs from one of the two ___ about ___ every __ days; meanwhile the remains of the ___ immediately develop into the yellow body, the ___ which is an additional but temporary ___ with a role to play if fertilisation occurs.

Select one of the following:

  • Ovulation | ovaries | once | 28 | primary follicle | corpus luteum | endocrine gland

  • Fertilisation | ovaries | once | 8 | primary follicle | corpus leutenant | exocrine gland

  • Ovulation | ovaries | twice | 28 | secondary follicle | corpus luteum | hindrance

  • Ovulation | uterus | once | 27 | primary follicle | gorgeous luteum | endocrine gland


Question 13 of 13


Highlight the steps of oogenesis:

Select one or more of the following:

  • Oogonia formed in the embryonic ovaries, long before birth and become surrounded by follicle cells, forming tiny primary follicles and remain dormant within ovary cortex.

  • From puberty a few primary oocytes undergo meiosis I to become secondary oocytes each month but only one of these secondary oocytes surrounded by enlarged follicle, forms a graffian follicle and the others degenerate.

  • One ovum is formed from each oogonium (the polar bodies degenerate too) and the Graffian follicle releases secondary oocyte into oviduct at ovulation.

  • Meiosis II reaches prophase and then stops until a male nucleus enters the secondary oocyte, triggering completion of meiosis II.

  • Fertilised ovum is non-motile and becomes lodged in the endometrium of the uterus where cell divisions lead to embryo formation.

  • Oogonia formed in the time of puberty, throughout adult life and all oogonia develop into ova, nurtured by the nutritive cells of the seminiferous tubules of the ovaries.

  • Millions of primary oocytes are formed daily.

  • Four ova are formed from each oogonium and the Graffian follicle releases secondary oocyte into oviduct by ejaculation.

  • Meiosis I and II go to completion during oogenesis.

  • Fertilised ova are small, mobile gametes.
