Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

McAfee Advance Threat Defense - Training Quiz

Created by esnlalan over 9 years ago

McAfee Advance Threat Defense - Training Quiz

Question 1 of 36


Define Malware ?

Select one of the following:

  • Legitimate tool required for daily operation on windows system

  • Malicious software designed to steal information from owner machine

  • Key-logger


Question 2 of 36


Which of the following is not a valid Virus Type with reference to computers? ( Choose correct Answer)

Select one of the following:

  • Multipartite Virus

  • Stealth Virus

  • MERS

  • Polymorphic Virus


Question 3 of 36


Which of the below best describes Static Analysis of Malware ?

Select one of the following:

  • Excellent procedure for malware analysis since user does not need to take any event action or execute the file

  • User has to perform Action like event execution for the malware to note its behaviour

  • user should just wait for malware timer to expire and analyze result


Question 4 of 36


Which of the following is a characteristic of a Trojan?

Select one of the following:

  • Automatically infects and spreads from computer to compute

  • Appears as a useful program to encourage propegation

  • Can only be spread through a network

  • Cannot be spread via social media


Question 5 of 36


which of the following below product ATD cannot be integrated with ?

Select one of the following:

  • McAfee Web Gateway

  • McAfee NSP

  • McAfee Firewall Enterprise

  • McAfee Email Gateway


Question 6 of 36


Which of the following below statement best describes Static Analysis on MATD Policy ?

Select one of the following:

  • Static malware analysis utilizes the computational capabilities of the platform to do in moments what a team of researchers could take weeks to accomplish. During static analysis any packed malware is unpacked. Often malware is packed to compress and modify the mal- ware in an attempt to frustrate efforts to analyze it. ATD has phenom- enal success in unpacking malware. The malware code is disassem- bled and reviewed to determine what would happen if the malware was successful in its function. It is important to note that the static analysis is much more than just header analysis

  • Static analysis involves running malware in sandbox environment and extract malicious code out of the file and report to the administrator

  • Static analysis is unique feature of MATD device to perform malware analysis on the malicious file with the help of GAM and GTI only . This identifies the code from the subject file and alert the administrator accordingly.


Question 7 of 36


Define McAfee GTI ?

Select one of the following:

  • GTI is McAfee Appliance that can be used with McAfee Products to provide reputation based feature to customer network and information exchange

  • Global threat input

  • GTI is reputation database online available and cant be used with McAfee products

  • Global Threat Intelligence is McAfee’s cloud-based security offering. Using thousands of McAfee intelligent agents and devices, confiden- tial data can be correlated about suspicious files to quickly identify malware and determine changes in the threat landscape. These re- sults can be quickly disseminated throughout the cloud to inhibit the spread of infection


Question 8 of 36


Which of the below file type is not supported by ATD appliance ?

Select one of the following:

  • .exe

  • .pub

  • .apk

  • .zip

  • .rar


Question 9 of 36


Which of the below is Supported OS for ATD VM Creation

Select one of the following:

  • Windows ME

  • Windows 3.1

  • Windows 10

  • Windows 7 Professional (32bit)

  • None of The Above


Question 10 of 36


Which of the following is supported language for Windows VM on ATD device ?

Select one of the following:

  • Arabic

  • Bangla

  • Malay

  • Japanese


Question 11 of 36


Which of the below is the correct order of ATD Static Analysis scan ?

Select one of the following:

  • Local Whitelist -->Local Blacklist -->(GAM Emulation)-->GTI Reputation-->Sandbox

  • Local Whitelist -->Local Blacklist -->(sandbox)-->PDF SCAN- Emulation

  • Local Whitelist -->Local Blacklist -->(GAM Emulation)-->GTI Reputation-->MEG

  • Local Whitelist -->Local Blacklist -->(GAM Emulation)-->GTI Reputation-->McAfee AV Scan


Question 12 of 36


Which port is used for SSH into ATD Appliance ?

Select one of the following:

  • 21

  • 22

  • 2211

  • 2222


Question 13 of 36


Which of the following below is the correct BAUD rate for Serial connection to ATD device ?

Select one of the following:

  • 115000

  • 38400

  • 119200

  • 115200


Question 14 of 36


Which of the following is correct command to set ATD appliance name( CLI) ?

Select one of the following:

  • Set Appliance Name

  • Set Name

  • Set sensor name


Question 15 of 36


Which is the default credential for ATD web admin console login ?

Select one of the following:

  • admin123

  • admin123$

  • admin


Question 16 of 36


What of the following mode is currently supported for deployment of ATD appliance ?

Select one of the following:

  • Inline mode


  • Standalone mode



Question 17 of 36


which of the following below is correct credential for CLI login to ATD ( Above Version 3.2.0) ?

Select one of the following:

  • atdadmin/atdadmin

  • admin/admin

  • cliadmin/atdadmin


Question 18 of 36


Which of the following below command can be used to view ATD Appliance details ( System IP, Software Version )?

Select one of the following:

  • Status

  • show system status

  • show


Question 19 of 36


What is the result of the command "Factorydefault" ?

Select one of the following:

  • Wipes all default configuration and keeps network configuration only

  • Rest admin credentials and removes all the VM images/profile

  • Resets the active disk to defaults. This deletes all IP addresses, results, logs and VM’s on the active disk and restores it with the backup disk


Question 20 of 36


What is the maximum number of VM supported on ATD 6000 Appliance ?

Select one of the following:

  • 30

  • 45

  • 50

  • 60


Question 21 of 36


what does Reset database option do the ATD device configuration (if checked while upgrade)?

Select one of the following:

  • The Reset Database checkbox will reset all analyzer policies and VM profiles and delete any analysis samples on the ATD appliance. This will NOT remove any virtual machines that have been uploaded to the appliance.

  • The Reset Database checkbox will reset all analyzer policies and VM profiles and delete any analysis samples on the ATD appliance. This will remove virtual machines that have been uploaded to the appliance.

  • The Reset Database checkbox will reset all analyzer policies and VM profiles and delete any analysis samples on the ATD appliance. This will remove virtual machines and user configuration from appliance.


Question 22 of 36


Command " Copy to backup"

Select one of the following:

  • is used to backup the active disk to the backup before an upgrade

  • is used to backup the second disk before an upgrade

  • is used to backup the redundant disk before an upgrade


Question 23 of 36


What is the correct command to add whitelist entry to ATD Appliance ?

Select one of the following:

  • whitelist entry update

  • whitelist entry add

  • whitelist add


Question 24 of 36


Can you delete default ATD admin user account ?

Select one of the following:

  • Yes

  • No


Question 25 of 36


Which protocol is used for integration with McAfee Web Gateway and ATD ?

Select one of the following:

  • SMP

  • SAML

  • REST


Question 26 of 36


What is benefit of ePO integration with ATD device ?

Select one of the following:

  • ePO provides user name to ATD

  • User Machine MAC Address

  • TARGET OS can be provided to ATD


Question 27 of 36


ATD Architecture is based on

Select one of the following:



  • Type 1 Hypervisor


Question 28 of 36


Define Support Bundle ?

Select one of the following:

  • The support bundle is a .tgz of the system log files, any diagnostic files and some additional miscellaneous log files for McAfee Customer Support. After clicking the button a prompt is given for a McAfee Support Ticket number

  • The support bundle is a .tgz of the system log files, VM image files and some additional information for McAfee Customer Support. After clicking the button a prompt is given for a McAfee Support Ticket number

  • The support bundle is a .tgz of the system log files, audit log files and some additional information for McAfee Customer Support. After clicking the button a prompt is given for a McAfee Support Ticket number


Question 29 of 36


which of the following is not a default user account on ATD appliance ?

Select one of the following:

  • admin

  • mwg

  • nsp

  • atdadmin

  • apoadmin


Question 30 of 36


which of the following is not a default role on ATD appliance ?

Select one of the following:

  • Admin

  • Web Access

  • Ftp Access

  • Restful Access

  • Telnet Access


Question 31 of 36


What is real internet mode ?

Select one of the following:

  • If Internet connectivity is enabled in the analyz- er profile, McAfee Advanced Threat Defense uses this mode. McAfee Advanced Threat Defense provides a real Internet connection through the management port, which is publicly routed as directed by the ATD network configuration. The interface port that ATD uses to connect to the internet using this mode can be designated in ATD 3.2.0 and later.

  • If Internet connectivity is enabled in the analyz- er profile, McAfee Advanced Threat Defense uses this mode. McAfee Advanced Threat Defense provides a real Internet connection through the management port, which is publicly routed as directed by the ATD network configuration. The interface port that ATD uses to connect to the internet using this mode can be designated in ATD 3..0.4 only

  • If Internet connectivity is enabled in the analyz- er profile, McAfee Advanced Threat Defense uses this mode. McAfee Advanced Threat Defense provides a real Internet connection through the management port, which is publicly routed as directed by the ATD network configuration. The interface port that ATD uses to connect to the internet using this mode can be designated in ATD 3.0.5 only


Question 32 of 36


what is the property used in McAfee Web Gateway ruleset for Anti malware threshold trigger ?

Select one of the following:

  • Antimalware.Proactive. Absolute

  • Antimalware.Proactive. Minimum

  • Antimalware.Proactive. Probablility


Question 33 of 36


What is the value of Scan timeout of MWG appliance for ATD analysis results ?

Select one of the following:

  • 10 hours

  • 10 seconds

  • 20 minutes

  • 5 seconds

  • 10 minutes


Question 34 of 36


what is minimum version of Web Gateway required to support ATD device ?

Select one of the following:

  • 7.1.0

  • 7.3.0

  • 7.3.2

  • 7.4.x


Question 35 of 36


What is maximum supported file size limit for malware analysis (send file) from NSP ?

Select one of the following:

  • 10 MB

  • 15 MB

  • 20 MB

  • 128 MB

  • 25 MB


Question 36 of 36


ATD appliances are only involved in the Detection & Analysis step of an Incident Response cycle ?

Select one of the following:

  • True

  • False
