Ali Sahar
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

network security

Ali Sahar
Created by Ali Sahar almost 9 years ago

Network Security

Question 1 of 21


The protocol which secures the network login credentials in a Windows domain is:

Select one of the following:

  • PAM

  • Kerberos

  • Lan Manager

  • NTLM


Question 2 of 21


Dictionary password cracking is a technique which..

Select one of the following:

  • compares passwords against saved passwords

  • goes through every possible combination of a password to find the saved password

  • Applies the dictionary to generate passwords

  • Tests the hashes generated by a predetermined set of words to see if they match the password hashes saved


Question 3 of 21


A method of automating nap scans to do complex tasks uses files with a file extension of;

Select one of the following:

  • .txt

  • .nse

  • .nmp

  • .sh


Question 4 of 21


Passwords on a modern Linux machine, like CentOS are stored in;

Select one of the following:

  • /proc/shadow

  • /etc/passwd

  • /proc/passwd

  • /etc/shadow


Question 5 of 21


Which of the following would NOT be a logical choice to include in a Forward DNS Brute Force attack?

Select one of the following:

  • mars

  • mail

  • www

  • proxy


Question 6 of 21


Metasploit is utility built into backtrack and is useful for:

Select one of the following:

  • Determining which ports are open and available for attack

  • Querying DNS to gain more information about a network

  • Capturing authentication traffic off the network and then cracking target passwords

  • Using existing exploits to deliver a specific payload to a target machine


Question 7 of 21


An attacker can get access to a command line on a target machine behind a NAT firewall provided they...

Select one of the following:

  • Have access to port 1047 on the target machine

  • Can establish a reverse bind shell with the target machine

  • Can establish a bind shell with the target machine

  • Since a NAT firewall drops ALL traffic originating outside the network, it is not possible to get command line access to a target machine


Question 8 of 21


The process of sending out a fake MAC address to target machines in a Man in the middle attack is known as:

Select one of the following:

  • MAC Rendering

  • MAC engineering

  • ARP Poisoning

  • ARP engineering


Question 9 of 21


An effective tool an attacker might use to discover information about the topology and layout of your physical network would be;

Select one of the following:

  • Netcat

  • Ettercap

  • Maltego

  • Metasploit


Question 10 of 21


The registry on a Windows 7 machine, is located in the ______________ directory by default.

Select one of the following:

  • C:\win\system32

  • C:\Documents and Settings\all users\registry

  • C:\windows\system32\config

  • C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc


Question 11 of 21


The use of rainbow tables is effective in greatly reducing the time required for cracking password hashes on a Windows machine. If you were interested in attacking passwords on a Linux machine, rainbow tables would;

Select one of the following:

  • Greatly reduce the time required to crack the passwords since the hashes could be run against the rainbow table

  • This would not help speed up the process since Linux stores passwords as reversibly encrypted passwords which would is a different technology

  • This would not help speed up the process since password hashes on a Linux system are "salted", making rainbow tables useless

  • This would not help speed up the process since password hashes on a Linux system are created using SHA-1 which is unbreakable


Question 12 of 21


One concern with logging on as the local administrator account on a domain machine is that;

Select one of the following:

  • The password of the domain administrator will be cached in the registry

  • The machine will cache credentials of a user who has rights to modify

  • This will overwrite the credentials of other users when running applications

  • There is no concern in this case, since the local administrator has no rights in the domain


Question 13 of 21


NMAP is a port scanner capable of which of the following?

Select one of the following:

  • Determining ports open on a target machine

  • Finding the Operating System of the target machine

  • Identifying the user accounts on a Windows Server

  • All of the Above


Question 14 of 21


A reverse DNS Brute force attack is a useful method to discover potential targets provided the victim DNS system has created what kind of records?

Select one of the following:

  • A


  • MX

  • PTR


Question 15 of 21


Which of the following utilities will allow an attacker to perpetrate a Man in the Middle attack on a https:// connection?

Select one of the following:

  • Ettercap

  • Metasploit

  • netcat

  • None - you can not do a Man in the middle attack of a https:// connection


Question 16 of 21


Which of the following passwords would be the most difficult to brute force?

Select one of the following:

  • A 10 character password which includes lower case letters and numbers

  • A 6 character password which includes lower case and upper case letters and numbers


Question 17 of 21


Which of the following would NOT be considered an important consideration in building a AAA secured network?

Select one of the following:

  • Autosecure

  • Auditing

  • Authentication

  • Authorization


Question 18 of 21


netcat is a tool which is useful for "banner grabbing" - why might this be useful for an attacker

Select one of the following:

  • A banner provides the security token to run the program

  • Once the banner is taken, the attacker then gets control of the program

  • The banner often displays information about the program and version number

  • The banner is required to press legal charges against an attacker, once the attacker has it, they can not be legally charged


Question 19 of 21


The Microsoft Framework describes the following steps important in securing an asset EXCEPT....

Select one of the following:

  • Depth of Defense

  • Auditing

  • Least Privilege

  • Minimized attack surface


Question 20 of 21


An attacker can get access to a command line on a target machine behind a NAT firewall provided they...

Select one of the following:

  • Have access to port 1047 on the target machine

  • Can establish a reverse bind shell with the target machine

  • Can establish a bind shell with the target machine

  • Since a NAT firewall drops ALL traffic originating outside the network, it is not possible to get command line access to a target machine


Question 21 of 21


In order to ensure that passwords are managed correctly on your network it is a good idea to

Select one of the following:

  • Create a written policy that details how passwords should be created and managed on your network, and make sure that all personnel understand the policy

  • Ensure that passwords are complex

  • Ensure that passwords are long

  • Ensure that passwords are unique.
