Crime Case Study: Whitechapel Público

Crime Case Study: Whitechapel

Andrew Burke
Curso por Andrew Burke, atualizado more than 1 year ago Colaboradores


Jack the Ripper is still famous over a hundred years later and the police are still no closer to finding his identity. This course addresses the historic environment study of "Whitechapel, c1870–c1900: crime, policing and the inner city", which is part of the Crime and Punishment thematic study. This is found on Paper 1 of the Edexcel exam board.

Informações do módulo


During the 19th century, each county organised their own police force. Some towns and cities also maintained a separate force. Westminster had little control of the police outside of London. Specialised 'detectives' became popular.


The biggest problems facing 19th century police remain largely unchanged in today's society. Prostitution, alcoholism, unemployment and immigration were central issues. Orphans and workhouses caused other problems.


The Peabody estate was an effort toward gentrification of London's slums. The great poverty of the underclasses could be seen in the workhouses. An influx of immigrants from Ireland and Polish Jews among others increased overcrowding in the city.


As political structures shifted across Europe, a number of influential thinkers such as the Anarchist Mikhail Bakunin and members of Socialist groups relocated to London, which was more tolerant than other cities.


The Metropolitan Police was organised in twenty divisions. Whitechapel was overseen by H division. Inspectors and sergeants were in command of 500 officers. There were not enough constables to handle the crime in the East End.


This module details what we know today about the Jack the Ripper case. Through a combination of records such as newspaper articles and police files, we can reconstruct one of the most famous cases in history.


These flashcards will help you remember some of the most important terms and phrases used in a historical discussion of Whitechapel policing in the 19th century. This was a case that shaped London.


Take this quiz to see how much you have learned about Jack the Ripper and the Victorian Whitechapel. There are ten questions in different formats. This will help in your revision of the topic.