Learn Luanna Público

Learn Luanna

Kennedy Ware
Curso por Kennedy Ware, atualizado more than 1 year ago Colaboradores


Luanna is a language that I personally created in my extra time doing the early parts of quarantine. It was a real delight making Luanna. I hope you have as much fun learning it has I did creating it. Enjoy! You #Luanna when you finish the course

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The first thing that you must learn is the characters, not the letters. Luanna does not have letters because then what is the fun of making a language. If you watch the video above, the characters seem to look difficult to write, but if you write them on a regular sheet of paper they are not that complicated. I would watch the video multiple times. You shouldn't move on until about a week.
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These are the very first words you are learning in Luanna. The difference between Luanna and other languages is that the words do not have there own sound. They use the sound of English and Spanish. Just a warning
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https://www.canva.com/design/DAD7f4JiezM/bxrJB2ynyFAuas4U5H8CcA/view?utm_content=DAD7f4JiezM&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink   This is the link if you can't print it out. This is a self-test so you grade it on your own. I would advise you to take this seriously and grade according to what you REALLY GOT. Good luck!
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https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=DQSIkWdsW0yxEjajBLZtrQAAAAAAAAAAAAO__SDR6xZUMTBMQ0pLNFo1VDNSMlpIMlhaS1Q5TU8wWS4u   This is the first test of the first two sections
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