Domain 1 - Nursery Rhymes Review


FlashCards sobre Domain 1 - Nursery Rhymes Review, criado por mary paye em 02-07-2014.
mary paye
FlashCards por mary paye, atualizado more than 1 year ago
mary paye
Criado por mary paye quase 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Words that rhyme have the same ending sound
A market is a place people go to play basketball and soccer.
The main character in "The Dog and His Reflection" is a dog.
People wonder about something is they are curious or want to know more about it.
If you want to take your time to put a puzzle together correctly, you should race through it.
People who like to play with dogs are always frightened when they see a dog.
The boy was boasting when he forgot to tell others his good news.
What frightens Little Miss Muffett? a spider
In Jack Be Nimble, what does Jack jump over? a candlestick
In Little Bo Peep, what does Bo Peep lose? Her sheep
In Jack and Jill, where did Jack and Jill go to fetch water? up the hill
In "Ring Around the Rosie" it talks about posies. What are posies? They are flowers
What does it means when someone says, "It's raining cats and dogs?" there is heavy rain
Who is a great friend in "The Lion and the Mouse?" the mouse
Jack be nimble, Jack be quick. Do nimble and quick rhyme? no
Star light, star bright. Do light and bright rhyme? yes
Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep. Do Peep and sheep rhyme? yes
Roses are red, violets are blue. Do red and blue rhyme? no
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. Do wall and fall rhyme? yes
Rain, rain go away. Come again another day. Do away and day rhyme? yes
This little pig went to market. This little pig stayed home. Do market and home rhyme? no
Jack and Jill went up the hill. Do Jill and hill rhyme? yes


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