Management of a Burn Injury - wound care 1


Integumentary FlashCards sobre Management of a Burn Injury - wound care 1, criado por Jamie Chavez em 16-02-2018.
Jamie Chavez
FlashCards por Jamie Chavez, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Jamie Chavez
Criado por Jamie Chavez mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Wound Care for Burn Injuries - Cleaning, debridement and dessing of burn wounds -Hydrotherapy and debridement -Open vs closed method of wound care Hydrotherapy - cleansing wounds by showering on a special table or washing small areas of wound at bedside for 30 minutes or less to prevent more sodium loss, heat loss, pain and stress, premedicate, not for unstable or with new skin grafts, minimize bleeding and maintain body temp, ordered antimicrobial agents applied after Debridement - removal of eschar or necrotic tissue to prevent bacterial proliferation under the eschar and to promote wound healing, may be mechanical, enzymatic, surgical, with tangential or fascial technique, for deep partial-thickness or deep full thickness burns they are cleansed and decrided, and topical antimicrobial agents are applied once or twice daily


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